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Greak: Memories of Azur Trophy Q&A


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I have just finished the game and achieved the platinum. I loved the game and since it's likely to have a small community I thought I would create a thread to help answer your trophy questions.


Feel free to post any questions below and I will endeavour to answer them! 


Just some general tips:

  • Some trophies are missable past certain points and there is no free roam post game. 

    This includes the Yird Seeds and Mushrooms being corrupted after meeting Raydel (so you can no longer make the recipes using them), travelling with Zack to retrieve the Primeval Cribe, as this makes you pass the point of no return and cannot return to the village or rest of the world to complete any quests. Also in regard to any relics that are bought from the merchant you find outside the village (Telescope Lens and Courine Codex), I believe that you only have 3 chances to buy these items because once you progress the story he disappears/reappears in another location. 


  • The speedrun time is very lenient as the game can be completed in  approx. 1hr 30 minutes, however be warned that pausing the game does NOT STOP THE TIMER. 
  • Relics and recipes must be done on ONE SAVE FILE, these do not count across multiple saves.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sry for my english! But tks a lot for the tips, since i cant find any trophy guide for this game and i love that kind of metrovian game...i dont like kind speedruns trophys, but for you, is ok in this game? Can i plat in one playtrough? Any missable trophy like the recipe one? Tks in advance!

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Hey, thanks for your comment.


The speedrun is very generous, I followed this video for the fastest path:



I even wasted a whole hour (thinking that pausing the game stopped the timer), but still beat the 3 hour trophy time. 


It would be difficult (and probably very frustrating) to plat the game in one playthrough, my advice would be do it in two:


Playthrough 1: Get all the relics, complete all quests, recipes and all other misc trophies.


Playthrough 2: Do the speed run and save less than 5 times (The Winds Guide Me & As Fast as the Wind).


All trophies are technically missable apart from the following story related ones:


The Adventure Begins

An Escape Plan

I Missed Your Light

Family Reunion

Fearless Courine

Immune to Arrows

Better Together

Just In Time

Stronger Than Laurean

Memories of Azur


Edited by BinkUncia
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/20/2021 at 2:32 AM, BinkUncia said:

Hey, thanks for your comment.


The speedrun is very generous, I followed this video for the fastest path:



I even wasted a whole hour (thinking that pausing the game stopped the timer), but still beat the 3 hour trophy time. 


It would be difficult (and probably very frustrating) to plat the game in one playthrough, my advice would be do it in two:


Playthrough 1: Get all the relics, complete all quests, recipes and all other misc trophies.


Playthrough 2: Do the speed run and save less than 5 times (The Winds Guide Me & As Fast as the Wind).


All trophies are technically missable apart from the following story related ones:

  Reveal hidden contents

The Adventure Begins

An Escape Plan

I Missed Your Light

Family Reunion

Fearless Courine

Immune to Arrows

Better Together

Just In Time

Stronger Than Laurean

Memories of Azur


Is there a good 100% guide I found one on YouTube but it’s in German. 

Edited by Titanomachy_75
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