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Possible Solo?


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I saw this on sale and it seems right up the alley of a few people I know but despite their interest we all have busy lives and mounting backlogs so not everyone is going to always be available for a session or two xD


This question applies to in part the available trophies but also the content generally itself. Co-op oriented games can sometimes be nightmarishly bad in the AI department to play through solo (meanwhile some are the complete opposite, boring because the game is far easier solo) so I'd be curious where this stands as a solo experience as well as the advertised co-op experience.

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  • 8 months later...
On 10/20/2021 at 6:33 PM, JohnCenaSong- said:

Co-op oriented games can sometimes be nightmarishly bad in the AI department to play through solo (meanwhile some are the complete opposite, boring because the game is far easier solo) so I'd be curious where this stands as a solo experience as well as the advertised co-op experience.

First, awesome user name!


Is it possible to play the game solo (AI teammates only), or does the game auto-populate the rest of your Blackout Club with random human players? 


I haven't played Blackout Club, so I cannot answer the co-op/solo questions. However, the biggest issue for a game like this would be matchmaking. Say all your friends are online and everyone wants to play together. How difficult is it to get everyone in the same lobby? Does the game tend to drop players and add randoms while loading? One random in a game like this, particularly if he/she is the saboteur, could ruin an otherwise fun co-op game. I too have held off on buying Blackout Club, not only for the reasons you mentioned but also because it is an indie game. Indie titles tend to have less-than-ideal matchmaking mechanics and server issues. The game idea is brilliant, but I hesitate to commit time/money to a wildcard no matter how good it looks. 


EDIT: Here is an explanation of how to obtain the trophies. It is not possible to obtain certain trophies solo. For example, acquiring 5000 points in a game as a Stalker requires you to join another game with at least two more players. The Ashes to Ashes trophy requires you to sacrifice a level 20 character, which many people will be reluctant to do since it takes multiple games to reach level 20 in the first place.



Edited by poetic_justice_
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