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How much did they change the Trilogy control whise?

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Except the weapon / radio wheel & the new GPS, how much did they change the game control whise?


Do the controls really feel 1:1 like GTA V now?

Or is it just the button mapping?


Did they change the controls of all three games to the same (like the Nathan Drake Collection has for example)?


Would be very interesting to know for a lot of people (in my opinion).

Hope some people, that play the game already, would let us know.

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You look left and right while driving with square and circle now which i think is new (sorry memory is bad its been a while) and it feels odd when you want to look behind you because you still have to combine both buttons to do so. Then the weapon radius is obviously changed as you stated but you can still cycle through weapons with L1. Also forklift controls are different, if i remember right you used the analogue sticks to control the tines - you now just press up to move them between maximum height and maximum depth which i assume is the same for other things like the tractor.

The most uncomfortable change i've found is in the hydra controls. It's only been moved around really like you press up to go into jet mode instead of using the stick and I'm sure some might say the controls were improved but i spent way too much time flying that thing to feel any sort of comfort in the change. Lucky i won't be using them much though since cheats disable trophies haha.

There's also been a few quality of life improvements like a setting that can be changed to make you automatically climb or jump over walls you run into or gym equipment having a timing metre instead of a mash X + O style (treadmill is still mash X)


About to hit San Fierro and that's all I've really noticed so far.

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On 11/11/2021 at 7:04 AM, Terarded said:

You look left and right while driving with square and circle now which i think is new (sorry memory is bad its been a while) and it feels odd when you want to look behind you because you still have to combine both buttons to do so. Then the weapon radius is obviously changed as you stated but you can still cycle through weapons with L1. Also forklift controls are different, if i remember right you used the analogue sticks to control the tines - you now just press up to move them between maximum height and maximum depth which i assume is the same for other things like the tractor.

The most uncomfortable change i've found is in the hydra controls. It's only been moved around really like you press up to go into jet mode instead of using the stick and I'm sure some might say the controls were improved but i spent way too much time flying that thing to feel any sort of comfort in the change. Lucky i won't be using them much though since cheats disable trophies haha.

There's also been a few quality of life improvements like a setting that can be changed to make you automatically climb or jump over walls you run into or gym equipment having a timing metre instead of a mash X + O style (treadmill is still mash X)


About to hit San Fierro and that's all I've really noticed so far.

You can also just point the camera towards the side you want to shoot, like diagonally so you can still have a decent view in front :)

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