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PSNID can not be found

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Hello fellow gamers,


I recently changed my psn id back to my original name.

Ever since i did that i can't see my account progress on the leaderboard anymore.

I have gone though the topic of name change to check if everything is set up correctly to show my trophies, but it does not work anymore.


When i look up my previous psn id i can see my trophies again but it is 36 playstation levels behind and does not update with new games/trophies.

I tried a contact mail to the website but sadly i still have no reply to that topic to get my account tracked again.


Previous psn: Boneface-_-

Psn changed to: B_ONEFACE


thank you in advance

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5 hours ago, NERVergoproxy said:

I see your name "B_oneface" on PSN, and it doesn't look like you are hidden, maybe try to earn a trophy then try syncing again.

The problem is that my account's privacy settings are all correct. my name is written correctly aswell.
problem seems to be on the psnp side because i checked a different tracking site and my account is up to date there.


It just seems to be an update problem i have here.


Since the name change i have gained about 200 trophies so it should definately updated.

I just don't know what to try now.


6 hours ago, BlindMango said:

When searching PSN for "B_ONEFACE" it doesn't show anybody with that name, maybe your account is set to private or it's spelled differently than that? It appears the site can't pull the name because it's not showing up on PSN when searching for it either

I wish it had to do with the privacy settings but i can assure you i checked atleast 10 times if my stupid ass didnt skip something.

It just does not want to update. i checked a different tracking site and there my account is up to date.


Seeing as since i changed my name i did about 13 platinum games from scratch it should have updated my account already but it just does not want to find my psn on PSNP.


Edited by Boneface_Backup
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36 minutes ago, NERVergoproxy said:

If you followed all the steps, then there is only one person that can help/fix your account. That be the boss @Sly Ripper

ye i know from experience that i sometimes skip a step but in this case i read it letter per letter to make sure it was set up right.

i think you are right only the man himself can save my tracking now ;D



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I could be wrong here but I think the issue with the search may actually be the underscore in your name. It seems like searching any name on PSN (on PS5 or the app) with an underscore returns a name that drops off the search where the underscore is, for example if I search "Blin_dMango" the search will look for names that are "Blin". Since I think the site basically searches for names using PSN, this may be where the issue is coming from. It didn't used to have this issue, so I think it's some sort of recent bug with Sony's search system


Edited by BlindMango
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8 hours ago, BlindMango said:

I could be wrong here but I think the issue with the search may actually be the underscore in your name. It seems like searching any name on PSN (on PS5 or the app) with an underscore returns a name that drops off the search where the underscore is, for example if I search "Blin_dMango" the search will look for names that are "Blin". Since I think the site basically searches for names using PSN, this may be where the issue is coming from. It didn't used to have this issue, so I think it's some sort of recent bug with Sony's search system


The weird part is that i checked a different website and there my account tracks just fine. But i like this tracking more so i want to be here to use it. Unless different trackers are being used per website ofcourse

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It seems our issue is based on the issue with PlayStation's search system. Maybe Sly can find a workaround, but in the meantime I've sent feedback to Sony through the PlayStation app explaining the issue on their end, I'll see if I can send a bug report to them through other means too


Edited by BlindMango
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10 hours ago, BlindMango said:

It seems our issue is based on the issue with PlayStation's search system. Maybe Sly can find a workaround, but in the meantime I've sent feedback to Sony through the PlayStation app explaining the issue on their end, I'll see if I can send a bug report to them through other means too


thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 26/11/2021 at 1:22 AM, BlindMango said:

It seems our issue is based on the issue with PlayStation's search system. Maybe Sly can find a workaround, but in the meantime I've sent feedback to Sony through the PlayStation app explaining the issue on their end, I'll see if I can send a bug report to them through other means too


any update on this matter? or is this something that will not really be able to get fixed (even by sony)

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