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Completely stuck


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1 hour ago, Weapon_X said:

Is there any way to reset the item placement in the game? Going for my 3rd power up, and the lantern slid through the wall without me, and now I'm completely stuck. I can't find anyway to reset it, and I need through that wall. Any pointers? Here is where I am:

Press option and select restart level

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4 hours ago, IBadDriverI said:

Press option and select restart level

Tried that, the lantern stays on the other side of the wall, and that's the power up that gives you the light bulb on your head which could fix it. Had to start all over. Awesome guide though, went much smoother on my 2nd (and 3rd playthrough for PS5).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a bit late but I think this is a game breaking lock you can get into. My friend did it and had to completely restart after trying pretty much everything (changing areas, dying, etc)


I also pushed the lamp through the wall and lost it BUT I had closed the game immediately. No area change = no autosave so I dodged the lock.

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