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Curiosity trophy bugged


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Assassin's Creed Unity was my first ever Playstation 4 game and if I recall correctly I got all chests in the game by the time the servers were under maintenance back in the day. Now that a friend wanted to get the coop trophies and I've bought the game in a sale again I'm starting to wonder if this trophy is bugged (or maybe it was my own fault for getting the chests when servers were down)?


The tracker says I have 100% of all chests in the game unlocked including Versailles. I searched far and wide to see if there were any hidden chests but couldn't find anything in particular.


Anyone else having this issue? I'm considering replaying Unity for this trophy but I can remember it being an awful grind to get all chests. Any idea how long/ far in the story I have to go in order to unlock all chests? It's been a long time since I played Unity so I have no memory of the story or anything about the game for that matter.


Normally I don't mind (re)playing games. Even if it's for collectables only but Unity is not the greatest Assassin's Creed game ever made and I just want to get it out of the way asap. Putting in 50+ hours for some collectables in a game I basically finished 6 years ago isn't really my idea of a 'fun gaming session'?

Edited by its_ArchroniX
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Basically you can open all the chests right after you arrive Paris, but the level 2 and level 3 locks on chests (and sometimes locked doors) are immensely hard without proper skills. The last upgrade, the level 3 lockpick skill can be bought after you beat Sequence 9 (out of 12). 

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