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Discord Emojis To Fourm Post


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When I write a comment with a custom Emoji on Discord, the Emoji has the text size I want: 



Whereas if I try to simply copy-paste it into here it results in an unproportional Emoji relative to text size. 

:PlatinumTrophy: Emoji Test 1


How can I make it so it maintains the correct size?


Why not talk to :GitHubAffiliateEmoji:dgasgd?

Edited by Seamndel
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17 minutes ago, Helyx said:

The forum uses it's own emotes. Click the smiley face above the text field when posting on the forums to see available emotes.

Well, this doesn't really help me (unless I can add custom emoted to this forum?) 


Also, as you can see in my original post , the Platinum Trophy Emoji translates quite well to the forums, so why not just incorporate that into my posts instead of an emote?

The only problem would be to "teach" my computer to change the image =size? , which I have no idea how to do (no programming experience) . 


i.e when I "copy" a sentence from Discord , the computer auto-resizes the Emoji when I "paste" it into psnprofiles.com . 


I've had this suggestion: 

const regex = /\[IMG\]https:\/\/cdn\.discordapp\.com\/emojis.*\[\/IMG]/gm;
const str = `[IMG=https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/935270790675431484.webp?size=44&quality=lossless];
if (regex.test(str)) {
//regex to replace the size}

But, again, no knowledge in programming. Is the aforementioned code Javascript?




Here's the Platinum Trophy image as it appears in the Elements tab (left-click > Inspect) , in DevTools (Chrome):

<img aria-label=":PlatinumTrophy:" src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/935270790675431484.webp?size=44&amp;quality=lossless" alt=":PlatinumTrophy:" draggable="false" class="emoji" data-type="emoji" data-id="935270790675431484">

I see there's a "size=44" section ? Would I be correct in saying that in order to achieve my desired size all I have to do is to somehow teach my computer a function where the "44" goes in and ,say, "20" comes out? If so , how do I go about achieving this? 


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8 minutes ago, Helyx said:

That's a lot of hypothetical work for this stock forum template. Try this instead:



Can you elaborate on actual "how to" ? I don't need the stock platinum image, it has no use to me. If I'll learn how to do it my way, I'll be able to bring over other Emojis as well.

Edited by Seamndel
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22 minutes ago, Helyx said:

It's literally right there, dude. Type: : platinum : (without the spaces).


I tried to direct you to the point and click method, but you dodged that pretty quickly.


Even if either of us can automate it so that 

aria-label=":PlatinumTrophy:" src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/935270790675431484.webp?size=44&amp;quality=lossless" alt=":PlatinumTrophy:" draggable="false" class="emoji" data-type="emoji" data-id="935270790675431484"

Auto-turns into:  : platinum :


We'll still be facing 2 issues: 

1) : platinum : would only work in this forum

2) Other Discord Emojis would still be translated into 40x40 on this site whilst being only 22x22 on Discord. 


Thus, I think it would be better if find a way to automate 22x22 Emoji's from Discord into 22x22 images on this forum (which would presumably help me automate the process for other forums; where the transformation might be different.  

Edited by Seamndel
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