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Tip for 'My Blaster Runs Hot'

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Here is a method I used, that I haven't seen on this forum or Youtube walkthroughs.


Even if you only have 1 PS3 controller, you can start the mini-game with 2 players. 

Start as Quark, and try to push Player2 into the top right corner. Try to stay in the same quadrant as him.


When Quark gets hit and goes down...

> click 'Start' to pause the game

> hold the PS button

> click 'Controller Settings'

> change Controller number to #2

> you are now in control of Rusty Pete/Slate McSteel

> once you resume the game, run over to Quark and touch him with your gun to revive him

> you can now stay as McSteel, or change the Controller number to #1 to play as Quark again


It doesn't matter, as the combined scored of both characters is counted toward the trophy. I got the trophy with 8500 as Quark and 2000 with Rusty Pete/Slate McSteel.


It's still a stupidly hard mini-game imho, and this method still took me 40 minutes. 

But playing with just 1 player i was only getting 3000 points max. Using this method I was getting 8000+ points consistently.


Another advantage is that the other character will distract some of your enemies, like the weaker circular enemies. This allows you to focus on the shooters, and the bomb enemies. 

Be warned, once the tanks come out, I was constantly getting hit and switching back and forth between the other characters.


Good luck! Hope this helps!

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  • 1 month later...

That just seems like a lot of extra work.


I spent about 3 hours on it, highest score I managed was just under 9500 before getting to the wave 15 boss in which I inevitably died to. I only got to wave 15 twice but now I have a pretty good strategy. It's all about getting combos and those first couple rounds are most crucial. Those tanks in the first two rounds can't hurt you so you can go right up to the gate where they spawn in and just pelt them until you get a big combo going and you should be able to save the citizens as well for extra points. If you do it perfect, you can get out of round 2 with around 2000 points which sets you up great for the rest of the waves where it's just a matter of surviving and getting as many points as you can along the way. You can also do this in rounds 3 and 4 but it's a risk as those shooting robots that start spawning can hit you if you don't manage to take them out fast enough out of the gate. I had one perfect run and I got out of round 4 with over 5000 points and thought I had it in the bag but then I choked and lost both my lives in quick succession a couple of rounds later. Very frustrating but now I'm consistently getting a lot of points early so it's only a matter of time. 


It's also a lot of luck as the powerups are completely random. I gave up for now but I feel like I'm right on the cusp. Just gotta get that lucky run. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Finally got this after 3 days of trying. This trophy is not fun, I've seen lots of people who said it was nothing and I think they just got their lucky run early in their attempts. I would say this trophy is like 90% luck and 10% skill. I used some of the tips I've seen about trying to rack up a lot of points in the first few rounds and my rule for myself was if I wasn't past 3500 after round 4 then I wasn't going to get close to the 10 000 before the boss. Try and rack up those multipliers in the first few rounds and that should set up the rest of the run. Eventually you learn when a round is ending after playing so many times, so when you know a round is getting close to the end get your blaster about 3/4 the way full. When the next round starts try to take out all the land mines that come through the doors and then get your R1 blast ready to use on the other doors. 


The most frustrating part about this is the randomness. Usually you can learn the tricks or patterns of a mini game when you are continuously attempting it. But this one throws so much random at you, random upgrades, enemies come out at random through the doors and worst of all shoot at random. Sometimes the shots are fast, sometimes slow, sometimes back to back, sometimes with seconds between. After many hours sunk into this, I am so very happy to never play My Blaster Runs Hot again ha ha. The actual game is great though and I'm looking forward to playing through on the challenge mode now!

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  • 4 months later...

I think mine glitched a bit a few tries before i got the trophy. I thought i saw my score over 9000. I paused it and obviously, when paused, you can see the score in the corner. Mine said 9400. Sadly, i died moments later, but when i tried again, my top score was 8700.


Hours later i gave it a few more goes and i was able to get above 10000 and the trophy popped.


There are moments when some parts can be quite easy, it really depends on the shooters and bombs from my point of view. If you have way to many shooters, your more likely going to die. Same with the bombs if they are way to close to you. But if you happen to kill most shooters quick enough, specially with those bombs being close by to them, it makes that wave a lot easier. Those little drops can also help a lot. The issue is what you get and whether you should try to save those little aliens. It those moments that can be life and death for you. You can risk it at a cost of possibly getting killed.

I'm not sure how tips can be given other than try and get enough points at the very start. If i get below 1000 on wave 1, i'll quit and start again. If i can get 1500/2000+ on wave 1 which can be done if your very very very lucky, i will continue and hope for the best. I do tend to find it gets a little slower after round 3/4 and thats when luck comes in. Obviously get the shooters and bombs first, if an alien is near many of them, specially a bomb, don't risk it. Destroy the bomb, it takes many out when so close together. I also tried to avoid getting my weapon hot the higher the wave.  If i had one enemy left and i was near hot hot hot, i would let it cool down just incase i had many shooters or bombs arrive the next wave. I found that method to be more easy for me than having red hot and having to wait for it to cool down when so many arrived seconds later from all sides.


I believe i was wave 13 when i got over 10000. The multi kill with the bombs next to so many enemies is what did it for me and i'm so glad its now out of the way.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got this trophy. I would highly recommend doing this on Solo and not as a 2P. When your gun is overheating (and you’re ready to blast R1) be a little extra cautious and try to time it as a combo, because the more enemies you hit the higher your score. Early on the in the level go up and spam shoot for a few rounds you can rack up a few thousand points easily. Unfortunately it is quiet an RNG mini arcade, thus things like life drops are totally random, but none the less you can get this quiet easily with a tiny bit of practice.

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