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[Suggestion] Trophy Guides

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It would be useful to see if users have already started a guide for games that have none published. Preferably the date created and the last date updated so we can see if it's actually being worked on or has been left. The benefit to this is (as someone who writes guides) to see if it's worth writing one your/myself. (you could work on a guide for a week but then one gets published).

- I am aware there is a forum post where people post what guides they are writing but this not everyone uses this.


Also, you shouldn't be locked out of writing a guide for the PS4/5 version of the game if you only have 1 on your profile. When the trophy lists are the same, it would be useful for a guide to be duplicated and published for both versions, as it can be annoying when you try to follow a guide but none of the trophies show as unlocked since you're playing on the other version.

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15 minutes ago, CosmoWolf_ said:

it can be annoying when you try to follow a guide but none of the trophies show as unlocked since you're playing on the other version.


This issue is solved in PSNP+. It allows to load progress from different regions/platforms (even different users) in trophy guides.

Link below in my signature.

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