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Some Tips and Corrections About the Trophies and Challenges


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Hello, Trophy Hunters!


It is my first time posting in the forum, but I decided it was a good time because of this platinum.

I had some trouble in getting it, and if I didn't do what I did (ask a japanese player for tips - thank you so much, Ridriddle!) I wouldn't find out that there are actually errors in some challenge's descriptions and there are some misleading challenges and trophies as well - not "wrong", but also not completely right).


With the trophies:


  • Infiltrator: what you are supposed to do is to finish stage 3 without being spotted by those "camera" drones (the ones with those white lines) that starts to appear in this stage - simply destroy them before they see you or completely avoid them and you should be fine;
  • Bonus Collector: you have to complete the Challenge Tree - the challenges are the "bonuses" the trophy means;
  • Cogen City Veteran: Reach the Akasha in Stage 5 without rewinding;


And a tip: if you bought the DLC for Akasha, you can unlock her as a playable character for every other main story stage after completing her first stage (EXTRA 1-1), which makes getting those S ranks and finishing the stages without rewinding time a walk in the park - since Akasha can't rewind time, can take up to three hits before dying and only attacks from afar. Just be careful, because the final boss is still hard, even playing as Akasha.

Also, REALLY IMPORTANT: THE CHALLENGE TREE DOES NOT COUNT WHAT YOU DO WITH AKASHA (and probably every other DLC character), ONLY WITH KOHAKU (either version of her). You still get bonuses at the end of the stages, but the game does not consider them complete for the Challenge Tree.This may change after some updates, but I don't know.


As for the challenges...


  • Complete the stage without stopping time (Frozen time less than 1 second) - I think this is wrong but I don't know what you are really supposed to do, because I got it after going for another challenge and I'm positive that I died and rewinded time A LOT in that attempt;
  • Beat every boss without ever rewinding time - this one is completely wrong. What you have to do is defeat every enemy in a stage (including the boss) without rewinding time. For example: defeat the 57 enemies + the boss in Stage 1 while not rewinding time in the entire stage;
  • Beat the stage without touching the ground (Time on ground less than 1 second) - this is a little misleading. You can actually touch the ground as much as you need, but it can't be more than 1 second per touching - keep jumping and dashing in the air;
  • Achieved 6 stage bonuses (Excluding this one) - by far, the HARDEST challenge of the game - and it is also misleading. What you actually have to do is to achieve 5 stage bonuses, and this bonus shall be the sixth. For this, I followed the advices Ridriddle gave me, and those were the bonuses I got (all of them in Stage 1):
    • Defeat any enemy in the stage
    • Jumped 50 times (in other words, your jump count should be more than 50 and less or equal 99)
    • Beat the stage having spent most of the time on the ground
    • Defeat more enemies on the ground than in midair
    • Recharge 5 seconds at a checkpoint (first, simply deplete your time-rewinding gauge before crossing a checkpoint, and then in next checkpoint, consume 2 stages of the gauge and cross the checkpoint to refill them)
    • GENERAL TIPS: The first thing you want to do is, when you reach the first checkpoint, before crossing it deplete your gauge to make the checkpoint refill it completely. After crossing the checkpoint, deplete the gauge again, go back a little and die by falling in the pit to restart from the checkpoint. After that, complete the stage normally, but try not to die too much - you don't want to rewind time for more than 10 seconds. Also, kill only ONE enemy (besides the boss) in the entire stage, and do so while on the ground. Pay attention to crouching, because if you crouch more than 10 times during the stage you actually get a bonus, and our challenge will fail. Two more things to keep in mind: try not to jump too much, it is ok to jump a lot, but try to do it only when necessary; finally, do not use the Dash Attack (you get a bonus if you perform all of the attacks available in your moveset during the stage). You probably got this by now, but the thing here is to get as little bonuses as possible. Good luck!
  • Achieved 20 stage bonuses (Excluding this one) - the same as above, but you actually need to achieve EXACTLY 20 bonuses instead of 19 - so you finish the stage with 21 bonuses. The description of one of those two challenges are wrong, because it doesn't make sense. Anyway, it is the exact same thing as above. I think you got the grip of how it works by now, but if you want to know what bonuses I aimed for to complete this challenge I can share them in this post :) (won't do it now because it is past midnight where I live and I'm really tired hahaha);
  • Minimize the number of enemies defeated in the stage - simply complete the stage defeating only the boss - yeah, 0 enemies defeated. Be careful to not let an enemy kill another by accident;
  • Had all enemies that can call for backup - the exact opposite from "Infiltrator" trophy: be spotted by ALL the "camera drones" in stage 3 (careful to not kill them before they spot you);
  • Restarted from a checkpoint 30 times - die and reload from a checkpoint EXACTLY 30 times in a stage. This is a lot easier than it sounds. Being straightforward, it will take a lot of time if you keep killing yourself to get this: from full rewind gauge it will take 120 "deaths" - hit -> dead -> rewind -> hit -> dead -> rewind -> hit -> dead -> rewind -> hit -> dead. But I found a more pleasant, easy to control way of achieving this. In Stage 1, be careful not to die by the first enemies and achive the first checkpoint. Now, dash back to the pit in the direction you came from and jump for your death, but before reaching the bottom of the pit, press the rewind button three times in a row to deplete the gauge really fast and let poor Kohaku die. Now just repeat this 29 more times. Since you depleted you rewinding power before falling, every death in the Death counter will represent a checkpoint restart, so you can easily keep track of how many times you checkpoint-restarted. It took me around 7 minutes to reach 30 deaths. After that, just finish the stage normally and DON'T RESTART in a checkpoint again;
  • Restarted from a checkpoint 50 times - exactly the same as above, but 50 times instead of 30;
  • Beat the stage without ever crouching - Stage 1 is impossible to complete without crounching, but Stage 2 can be cleared that way;


That's all I have for this game. Just got the platinum and thought that I could help someone with the same doubts I had.

If someone have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them ^^


PS: Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, as I said, it is really late where I live, I'm really tired and english is not my mother language hahaha



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Just a correction to the corrections...

You can go over 50 restarts and still clear the challenge requirements for 30 and 50 restarts. Same for the 20 stage bonuses. Probably best to combine the 50 restarts and the rewind 60 seconds challenge to get over 20 bonuses easily.


The under 6 bonuses needs to be done with regular Kohaku, as using her super form grants some seemingly unavoidable bonuses. It also needs to be mentioned that you have to die to the boss at least once and defeat it when it reveals its weak point more than twice.



Game seems hard until you beat it once, then you can unlock a very powerful form that will trivialize most of the challenges. No need to buy any DLC


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  • 3 weeks later...

I swear my game must be bugged. The only trophy I need is the one to complete every challenge, and the only challenge I have left is to defeat a enemy with every possible attack. I've been at this for hours, but its not working. Idk if I'm doing it wrong or not. I've killed enemies with the regular attack, crouch attack, dash attack, beam attack, etc, and its still not activating. Do I have to use every attack on a single enemy? I truly don't get it.

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  • 9 months later...
On 03.04.2022 at 9:59 PM, AxiomGenesis said:

I swear my game must be bugged. The only trophy I need is the one to complete every challenge, and the only challenge I have left is to defeat a enemy with every possible attack. I've been at this for hours, but its not working. Idk if I'm doing it wrong or not. I've killed enemies with the regular attack, crouch attack, dash attack, beam attack, etc, and its still not activating. Do I have to use every attack on a single enemy? I truly don't get it.

Hello. How you solve the problem? I have exactly the same thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/1/2023 at 2:51 AM, Provisorus said:

Hello. How you solve the problem? I have exactly the same thing.

On 11/1/2023 at 2:51 AM, Provisorus said:

Hello. How you solve the problem? I have exactly the same thing.

Just got the trophy.

You need to use every single slash to kill the enemies. 


For example, ground slash have a 3 hit combo. You need the 1st hit 2nd hit and 3rd hit all of them kill one single enemy. They are not counting as One attack

Same as Upper slash, Upper slash during jump and on the floor count as 2 different attack.

So dashing slash, air dashing slash, air 1st slash 2nd slash...etc


PS: I also perform Reflect bullet, bomb, hit enemy fly away to kill another enemy.


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On 22.01.2023 at 10:26 AM, Acyicex said:

Just got the trophy.

You need to use every single slash to kill the enemies. 


For example, ground slash have a 3 hit combo. You need the 1st hit 2nd hit and 3rd hit all of them kill one single enemy. They are not counting as One attack

Same as Upper slash, Upper slash during jump and on the floor count as 2 different attack.

So dashing slash, air dashing slash, air 1st slash 2nd slash...etc


PS: I also perform Reflect bullet, bomb, hit enemy fly away to kill another enemy.


Thx a lot man. I will try this.

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