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Sessions have been terrorized for months by disgruntled parties

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46 minutes ago, DaivRules said:

While boosting might be frowned upon by the developers, it should be less harshly dealt with than actual harassment. 

I'd agree, but it's always worth looking out for yourself as things don't always work out how they 'should'. Life isn't fair.


If someone sends you abusive messages to rile you up to bait a response and you respond (even if it's tame) for example, yes, they clearly were the bigger problem but there's nothing to stop both parties being punished if both parties broke the rules. They could even argue that there were actions you could have taken. For example with messages they'd say "well you could have blocked and reported him". For this instance they could say "you could have stopped this boosting and they wouldn't have anything to disrupt, it is against our rules after all *link to rules*" etc.


I'd just be cautious about going all-in on reporting people without verifying if your own actions are also bannable by the game you're playing. Self preservation.


I totally understand that this situation there's clearly one majorly bad party in this but they seem to be circumventing attempts to stop them already, will a game ban really stop them? Maybe, maybe not. Would a ban stop you from being able to finish your trophies? Probably.


I'd personally want to do the research first even if it seems crazy to think someone can harass you and yet you can come out punished for it.


I'd also like to add that anything external isn't going to factor. If someone's harassing you they'll likely look at in-game only in which case it's common for some developers who dislike boosting to actively encourage hunting boosters. So from an in-game perspective all they see is someone doing a good job until they can get around to serving the ban. This has happened in Call of Dutys past with booster hunting videos attracting praise from developers and those support team folk (it was actually slightly toxic, not gonna lie, but what do you expect from Call of Duty xD)


It's not likely you'd get penalised, I just wanted to add the note of precaution because some are very quick to land themselves in it in an attempt to get someone else, someone who may not even have anything themselves to lose.

Edited by JohnCenaSong-
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