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Backlog Blitz: Server Danger (Round 1)

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With Far Cry 2 servers online for who-knows-how-small-of-a-period-of-time and Red Dead online officially dying, it's time to finally prioritize online (ugh) multiplayer (uuugh) and get things done. So, I've created a schedule of games with online multiplayer that I, personally, need to prioritize and I want to invite as many people on this journey as want to join. Then, we can retreat to the shadows and return to single-player safe-havens. Of course, you'll need games I don't schedule and you may not need trophies from games I do, so I urge you to create gaming sessions accordingly, to keep the gravy train rolling. Also, a warning: some of these games may go offline before we get to them. I suggest tackling the ones you need first, either from your backlog or library.


How to sign up: I'm in the process of creating discords for each game that I'll link next to the titles. If you see a discord link there, it's free to join. If you don't see one there yet, it's because I'm a-tryin but you're faster than the speed of light. From there, we'll create gaming sessions (either officially or unofficially). The reason I've chosen Discord as the main method of communication is that some of these games, you may own but haven't "started," so PSNP won't let you join the gaming session since "you don't own this game," and I'd hate for you to be locked out of a session due to this. Also, we can see the order that people joined the server and can group accordingly. If you don't have a discord, I suggest making one. You can also add and message me on PSN and I can work with you. Preferably, discord. Also, comment on here which one(s) you're joining so people can see which discords they need to jump into the fastest


Week 1: July 15th - July 21st

FAR CRY 2 (https://discord.gg/U5GtgEyc)


Week 2: July 22nd - July 28th

RED DEAD REDEMPTION (https://discord.gg/xsRUuBJg)


Week 3: July 29th - August 4th



Week 4: August 5th - August 11th

RED DEAD REDEMPTION II (https://discord.gg/aSNEcjBy)


Week 5: August 12th - August 18th

BATMAN ARKHAM ORIGINS (https://discord.gg/TbZuPnTb)


Week 6: August 19th - August 25th 

BIOSHOCK 2 (https://discord.gg/nWnet5Mm)


Week 7: August 26th - September 1st



Week 8: September 2nd - September 8th



Week 9: September 9th - September 15th



Week 10: September 16th - September 22nd



Not Listed: Injustice, Doom, Killzone Shadow Fall, The Last of Us Remastered, Burnout Paradise Remastered, All PS3 and PS4 Call of Duty Games, Battlefield Games, and many, many more. These are just games that I, selfishly, need to prioritize. I can make these or others a part of Round 2 from Early October to December, suggestions welcome.


Other info:

- These discord servers won't be shut down when the week ends. We can keep them going and schedule additional sessions for however long is necessary.

- I'm EST so we'll need more time zones represented to give everybody the option of participating. We will discuss how to organize these sessions on Discord.

- If you haven't yet (like me), set your Discord name as your PSN name for easy communication and organization.

- Some games need a pair of gamers, and some need a dozen; all be taken into account. If you have time between sessions, hope into a session for another game.

- I could use a co-captain for each game, so if you want to be made admin just let me know and I'll add you to the list of applicants and promote one a few days before the sessions begin. 


This is the time to finally crack your knuckles, take deep breaths, and have no regrets. fml. OnLiNe MuLtIpLaYeR o.O


Edited by APeskyAxolotl
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