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Sphere grid bug?


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If you've really filled every empty node and activated every node, then it's probably specific to you. I've never heard of anyone else having a problem like this. My best guess is that there's one you're missing somewhere. If you post a screenshot of the whole thing, it may help to make sure there aren't any missing.

Edited by ExHaseo
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2 minutes ago, ExHaseo said:

If you've really filled every empty node and activated every node, then it's probably specific to you. I've never heard of anyone else having a problem like this. My best guess is that there's one you're missing somewhere. If you post a screenshot of the whole thing, it may help to make sure there aren't any missing.

I got the trophy just now, for some reason it only popped after I moved them after completing the sphere grid

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If you don't have any and can get some, I would recommend getting at least 1 Master Sphere or keeping one aside specifically for this trophy.

When you get to the last sphere you need for the grid, save the game before activating it as a safety measure.

After that, fill in the activate the final sphere and hopefully it pops. If it doesn't, select Use and scroll down to the master sphere and cycle through the characters. If it's greyed out, that character has activated every node. If this is the same for all characters then they've activated all of the nodes, and so it's either a case that you've missed filling a blank somewhere or the trophy has glitched. If it's the former, fill it and activate for everyone, and if it's the latter reload your save and try again.

If when cycle through characters with the Master Sphere selected you find one that isn't greyed out and can be used then they're missing one and it should direct you to the location of the nearest one you've missed. You then just need to go and fill/activate it.

Again, before you do that, save the game and repeat the above until it pops.

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