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Trucks out of sync

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Hi, i'm currently going for the insanely perfect relics and i stumbled upon a problem in the level "Food Run" If i get to the end without dying the trucks in the middle and at the sides with the wall run path are a bit out of sync so that the gap is too large to jump and if i double jump crash often does not start to wall run. If i die and respawn at the checkpoint the trucks are in sync and i can easily finish the level, but that does not help if want to get it without dying. what can i do about that? Did anyone also noticed this maybe also in other levels?

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You can try this strategy use the upside down mask and double jump/ bounce off tnt and you can avoid wall running on the trucks. N* Verted mode is better for this level for the N Sanely Perfect Relic 





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Thx for the reply i did this strat in the middle part of the level right from the beginning. I meant the part right before the end of the level.  Eventually i got a run where only the first trucks were out of sync and once i was past them i could do the wall runs like intended. If you get the timing right you can jump over the gap with those trucks because some gaps are smaller if they are out of sync. 


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