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proft margin pluto railjack tip, and other dlc32 tips


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one of the corpus missions in the dlc is very glitchy, profit margin pluto. you have to shoot heaters inside the ship to vent them. if you dont youll lose the mission. problem is the markers dont appear nearly all the time. to fix this pull up your mini map and theyll show and try to not stand in one spot to keep finding them. afterwards you have to destroy the 3 weak points outside of the ship. the only gun that works for this is the one you pretty much never use which is the one behind the pilot that usually only has 2 shells. use the 2 shells and for the 3rd go to your forge at the bottom of the ship and craft more ammo and go back and finish the mission

other tips, hold r1 and hit left on the dpad. assign you 3 ai to a pilot, defender, engineer. you always want a engineer at the 3rd slot so when others join the ai will repair your ship for you and keep you supplied. if you have a full team youll have to make sure one person is always using the forge to fill the omni for hull breach

also ai gunner kills dont help your intrinsics or wtf ever they are called



try to play the railjack missions when you have the double point bonus for more intrinsics. i cant find a good map to gain them but the void seems decent so far. youll need this for squad goals. rank 10 is over 500 points alone so you will def be grinding tons of the most useless boring glitchy missions in this game, railjacks. by far one of the stupidest most unfun trophies in this game

in the cambion drift doing the vault missions youll eventually get jugger-not, also kill it with fire during these missions when the little eggs hatch. i found heat on my gun didnt work but heat on my melee did. there is also little spot where you can use your operator to build a little crumbled ruin in these spots ive noticed pods will hatch. 

bug out ride is also done in cambion drift. these are little dragon flies either in groups of 3, 2 or 1. i found most of mine south east of the map in the water. when you find the spot they are in which is random but usually by water, ride them, and then teleport all the way to the other side of the map. go back to the spot you were just at and usually the dragon flies are refreshed and you can ride 1-3 of them again. sometimes they might move down a little farther. eventually you might have to exit and re enter the map to get them to respawn.

craft a sisters of parvos weapon, this is similar to kuva lich. but before you do the last mission in railjack make sure you save to cloud. i had to do this entire thing twice because when i claimed the weapon the trophy didnt pop. ive read its glitched on others as well.

as for forbidden fruit i dont know, it autopopped from my ps4 save

hope that helps some people

edit, last tip, for intrisnics i went to railjack, venus proxima, luckless expanse. play till minute 20 or 30. people are usually hunting the ash figure so youll often get a squad who will stay. if your solo you may only be able ot make it to wave 5 or 10 because of running out of air. with the double xp bonus daily reward you can get about 100 pts sometimes for 30 minutes. it also helps greatly to have a necramech voidrig. this helps you from dying. your machine doesnt go down often and when it does you should be able to stay alive long enough until you can respawn one.

Edited by melodicmizery
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