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What's so hard about it?


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I wouldn't necessarily say it's hard. I played it from start to platinum a few months ago. 

There are some parts you might struggle if you go into it under leveled (mainly side quests/optional stuff) or not sure how to tackle a boss. But people say it's bad because it really switched up the combat and pacing of the franchise. 

If you go into it with an open mind, I'd say you'll like it. But if you're a hard-core final fantasy nerd, youll definitely have some gripes. 

I'm from both sides. My main complaint is the way magic works. Not a fan of that. But overall, it was a decent experience. The dlc stories add more to the story and I think some people complained that it should have been in the main game to explain more of the characters backgrounds. 

You don't necessarily have to grind either with the way xp works. If you have the cash you can easily double or triple your xp and become overpowered by chapter 4. I think i was level 60 by the end of Chapter 4. And level 80 by the end of chapter 7 or 8. 

I will say, the Omega boss fight is definitely a pain in the ass if you don't cheese it. (Which again, is an optional fight)


All in all, don't listen to what others are sayin and give it a go for yourself. 

If you're looking for platinum time, I spent a total of 60 hours base game and maybe another 15 for all the dlc (minus comrades as it's inaccessible unless you do some super complicated nerd ass shit with your computer that I'm way too dumb to understand.) 

Edited by Profeelgood
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Oh shoot dawg, that's cause they patched it out after some time and made it a seperate thing with a seperate trophy list. The main game list is inaccessible. Go ahead and look at the "how to get comrades on main game" post and you'll see how complicated it is to get it to work. 

You gotta download this program on your computer and set up a proxy server and type in some numbers somewhere and try to connect your console to it and start downloading the game and then stop the download then re-download and I dunno. I tried it myself but couldn't get my ps5 to recognize the proxy server so I said fuck it, I'll stick with having all the trophies besides comrades for the main list. 


As for the trophies themselves? Wish i could tell ya. Haven't even played it. 

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1 hour ago, MysteriousXF said:

Thanks for answering, I should have specified that I was wondering about the comrades dlc trophies, specifically the maingame comrades and why they are so hard to obtain.


You can't play Comrades on the main FFXV list without downgrading your game to 1.26 or lower. 


But to answer your question on Comrades....it's not really too hard. It's just pretty annoying and a bit grindy. After about an hour, the DLC loses all the fun you might have been having cause you're stuck with AI companions that are dreadful for doing anything except eating dirt. 


That said, if you read a guide you can get it done in about 20ish hours or so. Give or take. 

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