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Questions regarding NG+ , difficulties and guides

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Hello "The Legend of Heroes" fans,


since I like the games of the Ys series very much, I plan to play the games of the "The Legend of Heroes" series [I know that "The Legend of Heroes" are turn based JRPGs and not action JRPGs like Ys, but this is fine for me.].

Of course, there is no way around the "Trails in the Sky" series of games, since these three games are the starting point of the "Legend of Heroes" series (As far as I understand). 

Therefore, I would like to start by earning the platinum trophy in "Trails in The Sky FC Evolution".


I understand that some trophies require a minimum of two playthroughs, such as Kin no Tsubasa - [You have defeated the valkyrie in the sealed complex.] because this boss in NG+ only.

As far as I understand the trophy guide, the recommendation is to do the first playthrough (NG) on normal difficulty and the second playthrough (NG+) on nightmare difficulty.


However, it also says that the Valkyrie can be too hard on nightmare, which means you might have to do a third run.

Also, you should do the first run quickly and only do what is necessary.

For efficiency reasons I understand this approach, but it doesn't really sound like much fun to skip the story content of an RPG on the first playthrough.


Thanks for an answer in advance.

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  • 5 months later...



I just finally finished this up so I can answer your questions:


"Is it not possible, for example, to use a guide written for NG on nightmare for FC (not FC EVO)  like this one https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/933329-the-legend-of-heroes-trails-in-the-sky/faqs/79398/introduction-the-ng-nightmare-run and then do the necessary NG+ run on easy afterwards?"


I'm not sure if it is a great idea to do Nightmare first if you are trophy hunting. The guides work for the most part, but a lot of things changed with Evo (biggest "hurdle" would be that some of the the Quartz are different and characters now have "fixed element" slots, also I think some Arts require different element levels than before so I couldn't get all of the same Arts the guide writer mentioned having access to with their setups) so you'll have to make adjustments. I'm not sure if I absolutely NEEDED to be Level 40+ for the Valkyrie fight and the Final Boss fights, but every little bit helps. Essentially, I think it is possible but it would be easier to mess up some trophies in the process.


"Or is it best to follow the hints from the Trophy Guide to keep me enjoying the game?"


The only thing I would really change from the trophy guide is their suggestion to speedrun and ignore the plot. Do the 100 hours your first run, talk to everyone, etc. because you'll also be weaker and fights will take longer so the time adds up more than when you are steamrolling fights in NG+. Terrible suggestion.


"Or should the guides for the normal "Trails in the Sky" games not be used in general, while playing the EVO version games? Can you maybe recommend guides for the EVO version (The guides on steam look fine, but are not for the EVO version.)?"


The guide you linked first on gameFAQs is the one I used and I didn't have any major issues/discrepancies from following it.


I will say, fighting the Valkyries on Nightmare was the most difficult thing I've ever done in a JRPG in my life. I had to abuse Schera and have her Accelerate everyone else then feed Joshua Zeram Powder/Capsules and spam his Black Fang S-Craft and get lucky that too many people didn't die in one-hit. Took me about an hour but I reset so many times when I got party wiped at the start of the fight.

Edited by SajoAtine
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