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Best way to tackle ARCADE?


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What is the most effective method to get the arcade related trophies done? I have done everything except the 100 MP kills, 10 featured MP wins and hitting level 20. Is there a fast way to get this done as I have noticed levelling up seems slow and I can’t get into a multiplayer game and from what I have seen it is a slow and boring process that could take months to get to 100. I know there is boosting which I will need to try and find someone to help me however level 20 seems to be a bigger grind. I guess I’m asking If there is a fast way I get this stuff done and over with. Thanks 

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There..is a way. Have one friend with you, start a private closed lobby and select some specific maps: 


1. Shovel Dodgers

2. Beach Brawl

3. Town Riot

4. Lawless

5. Aceopolis. 


Repeat the 5 maps again to make it 10 wins. Each map is only 5 minutes long, so with loading times included you should be done with this in less than 90 minutes with Arcade Competitor ? which is winning 10 featured maps. These are featured maps, created and published by Ubisoft. 


While going for Arcade Competitor ? you will simultaneously get Arcade Hunter ? too around your 7th or 8th victory. 

The strategy is to meet your friend in the middle of the map, then your friend leads you to their spawn point and gives you the signal that it's time to start farming kills. Then you can simply keep killing your friend till time runs out. 


Select those 5 maps, repeat them again like in a cycle. 10 matches, 10 wins and each map is 5 minutes long. Both trophies pop, no hassle.

I've boosted this set of trophies for nearly 500 hours. I can guarantee this method works. Spawns are easy to understand once you play the map first time.

Just don't be idle and get kicked as that will not count and you'll have to play the match again. 


Arcade Player ? level 20 trophy is simple. You'll make progress towards it anyway while boosting with your friend, but if by chance you're still trailing... It can be earned by playing any of the solo maps too. 

Edited by iamrb2212
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I did these just two weeks ago, and depending on the time there are still a bunch of matches going on. I had no problems with getting the 100 kills and level 20 done in a single sitting without boosting. Shovel dodgers seems to be the best way to do it in my opiion. 

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