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Alexios or Kassandra


Alexios or Kassandra   

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  1. 1. Who do you think I should play as?

  2. 2. Might aswell do it for AC Valhalla also

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To be honest without trying to come off sexist, certain story lines match a male character than female especially in the AC world. I think they should put the same effort into both male and female characters or decide if the main character will be female or male locked in. Games such as Horizon zero dawn did well with female protagonist and revolving the story around the character too make sense. Certain situations don't make sense in the story due to them trying to incorporate situations for both male and female characters. Then you will be forced to make decisions in game with a male character that you don't want to do just to get certain gear or to complete certain quest which kills the emergence experience .


Just a thought.

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  • 2 months later...

Kassandra, although Alexios is also hot, I do prefer Kass's voice to be honest. (She is the canon character, and apparently Alexios was added in because someone on the team basically said AC couldn't sell without a male protag)

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  • 1 month later...

Warning, this turned into a pure TwitteX TweeX longer tldr rant. anyway


i was curious about this because i just finished Origins for the first time, and i was disappointed that Aya wasn't an eventual available choice.

When they let me play her for the first time, i thought i would then be able to choose to swap between her and Bayek and maybe have them team up together. But they didn't and it made me wanna play her more. She was pretty badass and fast as fvck son.

So now i'm playing Odyssey for the first time, and i was drawn to the female, but i picked the male just cuz i am one, and wanted to see if the intended it to be male. i felt it would be female though because of Aya fromthe last one being awesome but not getting as much play time as she should have had, so i picked the dood.....immediate regret.

It felt like the mocap was done by a female, with very feminine eye rolls and facial expressions. The fact that there was a little girl at the house also led me to feel like she would hang around with an older female as someone she looked up to and want to be like, as opposed to a little girl hanging with an older male. Not saying that us guys dont eye roll. lol.

But also the voice acting seemed off.

It felt like the audio levels were wrong compared to everyone else in the scenes, and he also sounded more anime dub than the rest of the cast if that make sense. His voice reminded me of Balthier from FF12. lol.

So after getting to the vineyard. i restarted as Kasandra, and immediately noticed how much better it felt. The body language felt more in line with her. plus when she gets socked in the face at the start, it actually made me laugh and came off as funny. Whereas with the guy it was just meh ''dudes hitting doods''.

Her voice acting seems more natural as if she was doing the scenes with the other actors at the same time for most of it, and she's also better (no offens eto the guy) and the audio levels and mic quality seemed the same as the others in the scenes unlike with the dood.

So i really do feel like the addition of the guy was a last minute one. and them saying they hired him first or intended it to be hm only is just marketing PR bull honk.


I really do feel like a female lead would have been the natural progression when making this after Origins, cuz i feel they woulda been like ''people liked Aya, lets do a female lead'' and then saw all the backlash from female leads in games and movies recently and thought ''crap, people hate girls, we're gonna have to add a guy because we already filmed it with the girl'' forgetting that all that backlash to things like Forspoken, or Star Wars, or Ghostbusters 2016 isnt because theres girls in them, its because the characters were bad or the media was bad.


Theres plenty of female leads in games and movies that are done great and sell really well.

Alien franchise comes to mind. Ellen Ripley is great. Alien Isolations Amanda Ripley is also a good character. The new Fallout series character Lucy Mclaine (nice die hard reference amazon) was great, she came off as a mary sue perfect at everything in the vault but became flawed and struggled and had growth as a character when she went to the surface like any good written character should have. 

I also mentioned Ghostbusters. the 2016 one was just badly written poop and fart jokes, and the hate for the most part ithink had nothing to do with it being women. because the new sequels have had a young female lead and have been great (the first one more so)


''but guys dont like playing girls in games'' thats cap and you know it Ubisoft, also your mom just rang she said you have to be inbed by nine, ya know, cuz you're a ten year old that thinks girls are icky ew.


When Pacman came out it was a banger, and then when Ms Pacman came out that was an even bigger banger....because it was a better made game.

And lets not forget who was at one point the biggest selling game console character of all time ever? Miss Lara Mother Loving Croft (i have it on good authority those are her real middle names....that authority is me and i would never lie to myself)

Lara Croft kicked ass. even in those remakes they did, people liked those games. what they didnt like was bad writing or dodgy mechanics.

in fact in anything whether its a male or female lead, what people hate is bad writing. its as simple as that. when it comes to games, its bad writing and bad game mechanics we hate. not whats between their legs. its the dumbest reason to hate on a game. and if you do, then you must literally be 12.


For example we hate things like bad shadow LOD that gets lower and despawns the shadows even though you got closer to the shadow, because its tied to the asset whos LOD gets lower the further you get from it so its shadow despite you being right next to it dissapears or becomes a polygonated box and it looks gross and reinds you that you are not actually in Rome or wherever. Bad LOD bugs me so much in every assassins creed game because its a simple thing to do and they get it wrong constantly and it takes me out of the world. I know some people don't care, but you should. Because if a company can't be bothered to do simple things like LOD or giving things that should swing because they are on a rope like say, a punching bag at your characters house, and instead have it as a solid asset that doesnt move. If they don't care or can't be bothered to do these simple small things, then it shows they don't care at all and thats why the big things get messed up too.

GTA and Red Dead games are so god because they care about that stuff. like railroads being built in real time in game, or engines clicking as they cool down when you get out of cars. small details that don't matter and that most won't notice, but show that they give a sh!t. (sorry, that one was like a therapy session, it just bugs me no end when they cant do small things right like cloth collison, or they make solid chest pieces stretch and skew when characters move, or foliage has no collision and this was supposed to be about girls in games, not every game gripe i have i apologise. lol)


We hate bad mechanics like having a lazy assed mouse cursor on menus in games, because they couldn't be arsed to write the code to just let you use the d-pad or stick to flick between the menu items like every other game every invented, so now you go too fast on the controller and skip over the thing you want the cursor to select, and have to play this cat and mouse game of trying to go slow enough not to overshoot the thing on the menu you want to land on, but fast enough so that it doesnt take forever to select something on screen. its dumb as hell.


We hate mechanics like Ubisoft Play items and messages popping up on screen giving us a hundred bonus items in the inventory despite just turning the game on for the first time, and trying to concentrate on learning how ''you have acquired a new bonus item''...ffs. while trying to learn how to ''you have acquired a new bonus item'' oh my god leave me alone. again, trying to concentrate on learning how to parr..''you have a acquired a new bonus item'' AAARRRGH.


We hate mechanics where we get to go and put our outfit on at the start of the game and see that the inventory is full of about twenty thousand of those poxy ''bonus'' ubisoft items like ezio outfits and the like, that our character wouldn't have yet, and that there are so many of, we can't see the ones that we would have had, had those bonus ones not been there.

I had like twenty weapons when i first opened my inventory, despite just starting the game, and my character story wise likely only having the one sword. its like, just wait a couple hours, or till i've leveled up a few levels before throwing ''bonus'' items at me left and right.

Its dumb sh!t like this, and a whole plethora of other mechanics and graphical things in Ubisoft games that we hate. And bad writing. Like as much as i loved Origins, it didn't really feel like an Origin to the Assassins, and that part felt like a last minute addition. It felt more like a revenge story. Where i spent the entire game becoming Bayek of Siwa. only for him at the end to suddenly go ''meh, we're assassins now, with a creed, watch me drop this skull to make our logo'' and felt really tacked on last minute. not to mention the end felt rushed af.

So bad writing, bad mechanic, bad graphics. those are the things we hate....that and long assed ADHD forum posts that became therapy sessions that no one will read because they have actual lives. we hate those too.


But most of us above the age of 12 don't mind the chicks Ubisoft. 

if you make a good piece of media, it won't matter what gender the character is. in pony island i play a pony ffs. In Pong you play a genderless cube shaped tennis paddle. and that thing sold like hot cakes.

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