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Alexios or Kassandra


Alexios or Kassandra   

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  1. 1. Who do you think I should play as?

  2. 2. Might aswell do it for AC Valhalla also

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I put quite a few hours into both Alexios and Kassandra - and for me Kassandra is a no-brainer in terms of choice. She is canonical and a way better voice actor than the guy that voices Alexios. She conveys way more emotion and gravity in her performance than the other option. You can really tell that Melissanthi Mahut gave that role her all in terms of performance. 


You mentioned Valhalla too and for me, that is less of a choice really. I've played quite a bit as both and I really think they missed the mark with both voice actors who sound really emotionless and gravel-voiced. I thought they both sounded like they were recovering from colds. So you could probably go with either and get a similar experience. :) 



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12 minutes ago, Buff_Cupcake said:

I put quite a few hours into both Alexios and Kassandra - and for me Kassandra is a no-brainer in terms of choice. She is canonical and a way better voice actor than the guy that voices Alexios. She conveys way more emotion and gravity in her performance than the other option. You can really tell that Melissanthi Mahut gave that role her all in terms of performance. 


You mentioned Valhalla too and for me, that is less of a choice really. I've played quite a bit as both and I really think they missed the mark with both voice actors who sound really emotionless and gravel-voiced. I thought they both sounded like they were recovering from colds. So you could probably go with either and get a similar experience. :) 



I don't like the way ubisoft wasn't confident in their protagonists for these 2 games like for Valhalla Male Eivor was in every promotional trailer and gameplay but now suddenly Female Eivor is canon. If they want a female protagonist just make it clear since we have already seen great assassin's such as Aya and Evie already.

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37 minutes ago, SCREWBWOI said:

I don't like the way ubisoft wasn't confident in their protagonists for these 2 games like for Valhalla Male Eivor was in every promotional trailer and gameplay but now suddenly Female Eivor is canon. If they want a female protagonist just make it clear since we have already seen great assassin's such as Aya and Evie already.


The reason the male version of the characters were more prominent in promotional material is due to Ubisoft's marketing department's "Women don't sell video games" attitude: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/assassins-creed-odyssey-has-two-leads-because-ubisoft-leads-believed-women-dont-sell


The original plan was to just have Kassandra as the single main playable character of Odyssey, and for Evie to have the same amount of gaming time as Jacob does in Syndicate, as well as have a female character have more of the gaming time in Origins, but all those plans were shot down to favour the male protagonist. They didn't even initially market that Valhalla had a female playable character as an option. It was only revealed when a special edition had a female Eivor statue.

Edited by Stevieboy
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Definitely Kassandra for Odyssey. The other option shows up in the game and Alexios fits that other role way better than Kassandra would. 


For Valhalla, choose the third option the game gives you, which let's the Animus decide. You won't permanently play as either female or male Eivor, and it fits the narrative of the game much better. 

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They hired the Male voice actor one year before the Female voice actor (I heard that in an interview) that could probably be why Alexios shows up more in the ads. The reports about Ubisoft not having confidence in Female leads also goes further back to Syndicate times, which leads me to believe the addition of Kassandra was a last minute decision hence less prominence in the ads. Also it is strange why they had Aveline as the Protagonist way before all of these reports. But maybe that game disappointed in sales so they decided Female leads don't sale. So I think "the original plan was to just have Kassandra as the single main playable character of Odyssey" is either an attempt to clear their names or appeal to a larger market and that is why they did it in Valhalla as well.


I finished this game 3 times and all of them were with Alexios. My second playthrough was with Kassandra but I immediately restarted because I had gotten used to Alexios's voice so I couldn't play as her. The Ubisoft statements that Kassandra was the canonical choice did not matter to me because the whole story arc ever since ACIII does not matter to me.

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If you want to stay cannon, i would choose Kassandra and Female Eivor.


Kassandra: reason i would pick her is that she is cannon + it does have a impact on who you choose (i can't go deeper into it without spoiling it) but she's a no brainer to pick.


Female Eivor: i originally did my plat as male Eivor before i found out female Eivor is the cannon one (which i hated that they didn't announce it on release as i like to play the cannon characters) + on top of that the name Eivor Varinsdottir would apparantly be a female name (which i didn't know).

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Kassandra, for 3 reasons.


1. She is awesome.


2. Her voice actor is good (whereas Alexios’ sounds like he sleepwalked through the whole recording session)

3. It’s a 3rd person game, and if you are going to spend upwards of 120 hours looking at a character’s backside, you might as well choose the one who has the shapelier one. 

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1 hour ago, Mertdad said:

So I think "the original plan was to just have Kassandra as the single main playable character of Odyssey" is either an attempt to clear their names or appeal to a larger market and that is why they did it in Valhalla as well.

To me, it was a move to save face.  

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Sounds like Ubisoft is full of sexist p****s even a woman had to leave due the companies male staff behaviour.  But, this problem with women protagonists harks back to when the company were promoting Liberation, and because she was Black female character, a small vocal number of game players said that Assassin's were all men and they don't play games that have female main characters.


Eivor is a woman's name in Norway and yes anything with "dottir" means "Daughter Of" its like Mac or Mc in Scottish names and Ireland has its equivalent too, so yes Eivor is a woman I unfortunately didn't like her voice, no offence to the actress playing her, but she did sound like she smoked 70 a day [ So I played the game with the Male voice actor as he sounded nicer to listen too ].  Female Vikings actually IRL had stronger more masculine like features than the actual men had, whom were actually more delicate in comparison so how she looked in the game was fairly accurate.  Anyway, Basim is the next protagonist for Mirage, so it appears that Ubisoft are going back to the roots of the franchise with the locale being in the Middle East as well.  

Edited by alexandra-jane09
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2 hours ago, Mertdad said:

They hired the Male voice actor one year before the Female voice actor (I heard that in an interview) that could probably be why Alexios shows up more in the ads. The reports about Ubisoft not having confidence in Female leads also goes further back to Syndicate times, which leads me to believe the addition of Kassandra was a last minute decision hence less prominence in the ads. Also it is strange why they had Aveline as the Protagonist way before all of these reports. But maybe that game disappointed in sales so they decided Female leads don't sale. So I think "the original plan was to just have Kassandra as the single main playable character of Odyssey" is either an attempt to clear their names or appeal to a larger market and that is why they did it in Valhalla as well.


I finished this game 3 times and all of them were with Alexios. My second playthrough was with Kassandra but I immediately restarted because I had gotten used to Alexios's voice so I couldn't play as her. The Ubisoft statements that Kassandra was the canonical choice did not matter to me because the whole story arc ever since ACIII does not matter to me.

Using Aveline as a excuse is poor from ubisoft as it was a DLC/Spin off to AC3 for a platform hardly anyone had. Evie and Aya are perfect reasons for female assassins to be shown more

51 minutes ago, alexandra-jane09 said:

Sounds like Ubisoft is full of sexist p****s even a woman had to leave due the companies male staff behaviour.  But, this problem with women protagonists harks back to when the company were promoting Liberation, and because she was Black female character, a small vocal number of game players said that Assassin's were all men and they don't play games that have female main characters.


Eivor is a woman's name in Norway and yes anything with "dottir" means "Daughter Of" its like Mac or Mc in Scottish names and Ireland has its equivalent too, so yes Eivor is a woman I unfortunately didn't like her voice, no offence to the actress playing her, but she did sound like she smoked 70 a day [ So I played the game with the Male voice actor as he sounded nicer to listen too ].  Female Vikings actually IRL had stronger more masculine like features than the actual men had, whom were actually more delicate in comparison so how she looked in the game was fairly accurate.  Anyway, Basim is the next protagonist for Mirage, so it appears that Ubisoft are going back to the roots of the franchise with the locale being in the Middle East as well.  

I heard it was the same situation for Origins also, Aya was meant to be the protagonist with Bayek dying early in the game. Although I'm glad they kept Bayek since he was a amazing protagonist.

With the amount of games they have made its annoying that they would rather take a bigger risk in changing into a RPG style game than having a fixed female protagonist 

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6 minutes ago, SCREWBWOI said:

Using Aveline as a excuse is poor from ubisoft as it was a DLC/Spin off to AC3 for a platform hardly anyone had.

It would be a poor excuse anyways, particularly since Aveline was a good character, that actually could generate some interest…

…whereas the male lead of ACIII - Conner - had all the star power of a wet paper bag, and all the personality of an envelope.

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4 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

It would be a poor excuse anyways, particularly since Aveline was a good character, that actually could generate some interest…

…whereas the male lead of ACIII - Conner - had all the star power of a wet paper bag, and all the personality of an envelope.

Damn.... Connor is my favourite Assassin hahahaha 

Just now, SCREWBWOI said:

Damn.... Connor is my favourite Assassin hahahaha 

Alongside Bayek after playing Origins

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4 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

It would be a poor excuse anyways, particularly since Aveline was a good character, that actually could generate some interest…

…whereas the male lead of ACIII - Conner - had all the star power of a wet paper bag, and all the personality of an envelope.

I think Conner gets a raw deal. He has character but he's stoic and many people today are too used to protagonists that are more vivacious so to see a swing in the other direction throws them off. He's full of naivety and anger and in deleted scenes that expanded more on his thoughts, quite introspective.

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2 hours ago, majob said:

I think Conner gets a raw deal. He has character but he's stoic and many people today are too used to protagonists that are more vivacious so to see a swing in the other direction throws them off. He's full of naivety and anger and in deleted scenes that expanded more on his thoughts, quite introspective.

That's why he's my favourite he seems most relatable to me. He has alot of flaws but he ultimately wants to do good.

He's also a tank and just feels like you can beat anyone up.

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I haven’t started yet but I was watching a few videos before I chose.  I was planning on Kassandra, like at least 80% sure.  

But I love the delivery of the Alexios voice actor. Right amount of humor and a touch of narcissism.  Kassandra sounded a little wooden/stiff by comparison.  

Perfect!  I’m sold; Alexios it is.


Edited by djb5f
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10 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Kassandra, for 3 reasons.


1. She is awesome.


2. Her voice actor is good (whereas Alexios’ sounds like he sleepwalked through the whole recording session)

3. It’s a 3rd person game, and if you are going to spend upwards of 120 hours looking at a character’s backside, you might as well choose the one who has the shapelier one. 

Ha, #3 was why I was leaning towards Kassandra before I watched a few comparison videos to help with my choice.  But Alexios delivery is so much more animated than Kassandra’s.  Sleepwalked?  I think you have it backwards as far as inflection.  Kassandra delivery is fine too but she played it much safer.  I wouldn’t have any qualms using her but she lacks an element of humor/narcissism.  She doesn’t seem like a fun hang-out whereas Alexios would have me rolling.  

No worries though as we seem to disagree on Ubisoft titles.  I read your Far Cry 6 review and strongly differed in views for that series.  Both the antagonist and protagonist were much better in Far Cry 6 than Far Cry 4.  I felt Far Cry 4 was the slight misstep in the series IMO.  While still fun, it’s just not as compelling on any front including the locale/setting as 3 (the best), 5, and 6.    And Jason Brody (3) was even a better protagonist than whoever the dude was in 4, so forgettable I have no clue on his name 😊

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For Odyssey: Kassandra is the canon option both by game and the novel adaptation, there some slightly changes to dialogue and in characters interaction depending which character you choice.


For Valhalla now female character is the only logical option for one simple but important reason the name!!


Eivor is a female name, second the patronymic Varinsdottir ( daughter of Varin ), i cannot overlook it.

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