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What to Expect From Remnant 2's DLC?


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Hey hunters! 


Remnant 2 had an awesome launch, selling over a million units in its first week as you know. Gunfire Games has confirmed that Remnant 2 will receive 3 DLCs within a year of the game’s initial release date. We can expect to have all three DLCs by July 25, 2024, at the latest. 


So we could expect Remnant 2’s first DLC around March 2024. As for what the DLC will entail, or what the free additions will be, remains unknown. If the DLC is anything like what Remnant: From the Ashes received, then we should expect new levels, new bosses and enemy types, a new mode, and more... I’m hoping they add more mods, guns and skins.


Remnant 2 currently has 5 worlds to explore. However, given that Remnant 2's map segment wheel has space for 8 world slots, it's likely the addition of environments may specifically mean new worlds. As 3 DLC packs are approaching, there could be 3 more worlds to fill the map wheel. 


What are your expectations for the upcoming DLCs? What concept do you expect them to have? 



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My friend and I were talking about this the other day. I would love to see a "quick play" type thing. You basically do 3-4 "rooms" and each one could be a tile from any of the worlds, then you fight a boss at the end. Items don't necessarily need to drop, but a currency would be neat to buy gear/items. This would be a faster mode than doing an entire adventure mode world.


But what will most likely happen is a few new worlds to fill up the wheel. I would love a pirate theme or maybe a spooky pyramid maze. The possibilities are endless given how the game is set up.

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