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Any missable trophies?


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22 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:


I don't think there are any but the game requires two playthroughs anyway. There's not a trophy guide but TrueAcheivements have a walkthrough you can use though.


21 hours ago, MaRo-1000 said:

After finishing the Game you have to beat it on Hard and after that u can grind all other Trophys, so NO Missables.

Thanks for the info

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  • 5 weeks later...

And also, in case anyone is wondering. 

I've read that you DO NOT have to buy a dungeon locator from the shop dude for buy one of everything from the shop. 


Granted. It's only 100 coins. But you might find that if you locate all dungeons without buying one, the option is gone. Again, I read its not required, but if you're paranoid, buy one just in case. I did. 

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