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PS3 Store - Price List [EU]


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4 hours ago, EqualityEarth said:

tl;dr (RIP your attention span) Not every trophy marked by PSNP+ is out of reach “in real life.” Most are indeed in memoriam, but not all. All of Bulletstorm [PS3] is achievable granted you duly purchase the DLCs and run the program “GoneSpy.”


I'll only quote that to not make the post too long 😅


I think the general consensus made for the unobtainable list and to which I somewhat agree, is to be able to get the platinum without any gimmicks or external software, which not all are willing to use it or able to make it work. 

Undoubtedly there will be some more truth for some players than others depending on whether they have already obtained the unobtainable trophies of a title or have bought a DLC before said DLC got delisted. It's more of a generic approach and anyone should check the forums to get a better understanding. I would prefer this list to be more on the side of caution (I prefer someone to 'lose' a game that could have been rather than someone that started a game to only find out they cannot complete it - more so knowing it's on the PS3 and its imminent downfall).

I do appreciate your point of view, and would welcome any other in the future.


As for the online indicator I'll let you know, do not know if I'll do it soonish or after the holidays. 👍


p.s.: having said that, could possibly add an additional icon for those type of games, we will see - but not at the moment.

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4 hours ago, Rejim said:


is to be able to get the platinum without any gimmicks or external software, which not all are willing to use it or able to make it work.


As for the online indicator I'll let you know, do not know if I'll do it soonish or after the holidays. 👍

Therein lies my point; a person is already willing to use the browser extension, that is in itself a “self made tool” or “external software.” Like excelling in a game sufficiently to complete/plat may require you to learn and practice new things, so do these other external tools. An honest trophy hunter has already internalized that “Sony doesn’t care” and will not mitigate issues at our behest (resulting in 1000+ trophy lists being affected to date!). The real question is whether someone wants the trophies that badly or not, rather than whether they can or cannot obtain them (they are seldom skill based in regard to the difficulty of the games). Should “not willing to use” be equated with “not obtainable?” These tools are hardly rocket science, as opposed to something like the infernal VR headset (an official Sony product, I find “reluctance to use”).

However, given that the PSNP+ filter can understandably only show a ‘single state of things,’ it is obviously wisest to show the now and present state of things. If my criticism sounds too harsh, take a look where the “This game contains # unobtainable trophies: More Info Here” link doesn’t illuminate you to any detail specifically about that trophy list (as in distinguishing true from half true). It just links you to the master list thread, and not even to the post specifically reporting that game. That’s what I mean by tweaking the execution, it’s not at its peak. Relying on the quality of individual game’s forums (which will naturally never be uniform) isn’t solid ground. As a result, it is ironically more effort to paint the true picture of a game’s trophy state than it is to obtain the trophies themselves. 

The master list itself by no means holds the line against anyone earning ‘complicated’ trophies and showing them on site; it’s not used as a flagging basis afaik. As those who will defend the approach as is, to the death, I too can alternatively view it as not “what you can’t do” but as “what you’ll have to get complicated for.”


Some friends and I keep a personal master list of online trophies; while we omit such examples as annual release sport series from our ambitions (likely irrelevant to a PS3 shopping list, especially at present time), I’m happy to make the additional detail a simple affair. In fact, maybe I should attempt to add some indication of which contents here cannot be found on the NA store 🤔 if you would find that worth including?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@EqualityEarth Sorry was away on holidays. 


So to come back to that, you are assuming everyone can or is willing to go the extra mile, which is not the case. Lots do not have the plug in so do not have info about unobtainables. I, for one, do have the plug in but do not use any extra software (with the tons of available games and the backlog I do not feel the urge to get things messy - although Unreal Tournament III might make me change my mind). 

But let's be honest, the hardcore trophy hunters will go and check if the game is truly or not unobtainable, will check the forums, will do their research, so I'm not too much worried about them. It's the simpler guys that casually come and go that I'm trying to 'protect', better safe than sorry. But as mentioned before, this might change in the future (as an additional icon or something else entirely).


As for the data, more data it always welcomed. Do not know how though. If to just note the missing games, do that as well as adding the ones only available in NA, or put them all (which might get heavy on the info). We could start with the first one and see from there. You let me know.

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  • 3 months later...

Added an icon spacer.png  for the titles that can be acquired physically - slowly adding them up.


Could be that a couple were not indeed released for EU (if that is the case let me know)

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This is an amazing work, thank you! It's incredible to see the difference in digital games between PS3 and PS4.


For everyone that needs to see their own region, you can use a site like psprices.

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