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easy way to make money (without infinite ammo)

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This is not my suggestion but just thought I would let any other Resi Evil 5 noobs know like me


This is a really great way for quick money if you're saving for infinite ammo on all your guns


You can make £3000 over and over again by just starting chapter 5-3, going out the door to the right, climb the ladder and follow the hallway all the way down to the room with the safe and just grab the gem, then quit out the game and press continue to carry on where you left, just rinse and repeat this and you will have loads of money in no time :)


I'm using this method to get all my guns very strong for the harder playthroughs


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6-3 os one of the best spots to farm without infinite ammo, at the final boss fight.


At the start is a checkpoint with Rifle Ammo x 5 in front of you. You grab the ammo, shoot the hanging rock ahead, then go and get a Diamond marquise that sells for 5000. Quit, reload and repeat.


This is about a 30 second cycle so 10000 per minute without infinite ammo. Don't think there are any faster ways without infinites.


You always have the 99 x Gold Eggs as that someone online can drop for you ;)

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your better off with having a unlimited ammo rocket and using it to just farm the two bug enemies near the end of the game when your waiting for the metal doors to open, as the two of them drop a gem that is worth 5k a piece and the checkpoint is right there so once you kill them both and save and quit then go back to the game again and keep doing it over and over and you will get alot of dosh fast. Your other bet is to get a friend to do the ai partner weapon dup. once you dup their weapons you could sell them for fast cash

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1 hour ago, Optinooby said:

At the start is a checkpoint with Rifle Ammo x 5 in front of you. You grab the ammo, shoot the hanging rock ahead, then go and get a Diamond marquise that sells for 5000. Quit, reload and repeat.


oh that sounds slighty better, thanks :)

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