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Tips for Powershift mode!


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It seems like a lot of people have no clue how to play this game! Here are just some tips to make you better better player in this mode. If you know these then good! If you don't these might help you. IN MY OPINION!

1. Don't spend 90% of the match on the crane sniping if you suck at sniping! You aren't helping and all you are doing is essentially making the match 4v5.

2. If you are the only one on the platform and the money is $39,000 DO NOT JUMP OFF!!! I see people doing this all the time and there is absolutely no reason to leave. If the other team jumps on at the last second you will go into overtime! Or lose! 

3. If you are having trouble capturing the platform because of Heavy's with shields or mediums with turrets don't constantly jump onto the platform! Especially alone... Either wait for a teammate or throw some Pyro grenades on the platform from above!!! It's pretty easy to clear out that way. 

4. If you are the only one on the platform with team statues with you, and the entire enemy team is wiped out.. REVIVE YOUR TEAMMATES!! I see so many people just standing there doing nothing. If the enemy team is wiped you are at no risk!!!! 

5. Enemy statues on the platform! KNOCK THEM OFF!!! You aren't doing your team any good if you just wait there and have enemy statues and you get killed.. You are just making it easier for the enemy to reclaim the platform. 

6. This one should go without saying and it seems like nobody does this! You see those hanging canisters above the platform!? USE THEM!!! This is the perfect mode for them! Doesn't make any sense not to use them if the enemy platform is right underneath it and you are just standing there trying to dodge shots. 

7. If you can't reach the platform by jumping but it is low enough to the ground and you can get underneath it. USE PYRO GRENADES FROM THE BOTTOM! If you look up and throw one at the bottom of the platform you will get Pyro damage and possibility kills and the enemy team won't even know where you are! 

These are just some tips right now off the top of my head! I'm sure I will think of more as I play.. But have fun and HELP YOUR TEAM! See you next time in the finals!

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