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Is it a bug or a feature?

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Posted (edited)

Hello everybody! 


I have a question. I played Resident Evil 4 a long time ago but I don't remember this "problem".


Sometimes, I destroy the head of a ennemy but he keep attacking. Pretty funny while playing Professionnal mode and dying in 1 hit. But it's very rare so I was wondering, is it a bug or just a really bad feature ? 

Edited by HyXkeR
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That's just the OG cheapness, RE5 has the same thing, if the enemy is mid attack and you use a weapon that doesn't blow them away they will finish landing the attack.

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Pretty weird question but that's 100% game feature in few RE titles. I did a playthrough on Ps2 and Xbox One and you can get a few swings before they die or the parasite can pop so I think its RNG how they behave after a headshot. I'm like 99% sure it was the same in RE5. I rarely got caught by this because after every headshot I was moving back since there is a chance of the spider, centipede to jump out from their necks or just a few slashes before they collapse so that's why I called this post weird because I thought everyone who played the second trilogy (RE4-5-6) knew that. 



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Posted (edited)

I also played the second trilogy but I couldn't remember if it was a bug or a feature. I mean, when it happens, it doesn't look normal like it's not supposed to happen.


Thanks for your answers! 


Edited by HyXkeR
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It's a feature. I think it's the games way of telling the player that infected in RE4 and RE5 aren't regular zombies. The parasites aren't in the head but in the spine. Spinal cord infections would explain how the plagas can erupt from the enemies heads and how the walk find after suffering from exploding head syndrome. 

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