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Carreer trophies glitched ?

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I'm experiencing an issue with MX vs ATV Legends concerning the career trophies like 'Gotta Start Somewhere' and 'Rookie'. I can't seem to unlock these trophies. Despite progressing well in career mode and even achieving the 'National Champion' trophy for completing the 450 Nationals series, these trophies won’t pop. The game prompts me to 'speak to crew', but there's no yellow dot indicating anyone to talk to. Additionally, the fan count in the top right corner of the career menu shows '00' and remains at ’00’. Interestingly, after starting a new save game, I managed to unlock the 'Gotta Start Somewhere' trophy (after redoing the necessary races).


Now, I'm torn between continuing with my old save file (due to the progress) or sticking with the new one. Any suggestions on how to obtain the other career trophies like Rookie and Legends with my old save? I've already attempted to redo some races with my old save. For context, I'm playing the PS4 version (v3.03) on a PS5. Thanks in advance!


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3 hours ago, HuntingFever said:

I would get all the other trophies, then start a new game from scratch, just for those 2 trophies.

Yes, that would be a good solution, especially for 'Gotta Start Somewhere' and 'Rookie'. However, there are more than just two career trophies, namely 'Veteran' (2 years in career) and 'Legends' (completing career). I'm afraid those two won't pop up with my old save either. So, I hope there's another solution.

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Posted (edited)

For me what bugged was Legends trophy, I had to spent 11 hours in a new game save to reach this again. 


My guess it's that bug when you not get enough fans to advance and have to replay races. Fans here went to 00 too after I replayed a race.

Edited by AngusHac
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Thank you for your response. That is really unfortunate, especially with the last career trophy. Restarting a race could definitely be the cause. In my old save, I did restart a few races, but in the new save, I haven't restarted any races. And with my new save I got all career trophies.

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