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Fire Emblem Awakening: A Lunatic Guide


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On Lunatic (No Videos needed)





Fire Emblem is a tactical RPG with a Pokemon element to it. However, fighting enemies at your own leisure does not exist in this game like Pokemon. Therefore, you must be careful about who gets the kill for the experience and who has to wait their turn. It is impossible to train every single unit (without driving yourself nuts), and you must be very careful on who you decide to be the "leaders" of your army. You are also able to marry on this game and create new children units. Children units inherit stats and skills of each parent. Having strong children units (who have more potential to become even stronger than their parents) with the right skills will make even the toughest of battles easy. Therefore, this guide is to help you train and pair the right units and to give a few words of advice to make Lunatic mode, not a breeze, but very manageable. Lastly, this guide will tell you the key skills to teach Robin, also known as "My Unit", since s/he can practically learn any set of skills in the game (-manakete, taguel, and any gender-specific skills of the opposite set). Remember, that everything I type in this is opinion-based. There are more than one way to beat this game, and I can tell you from experience that ANYTHING I bold in the rest of this guide is a necessity. I've gotten to the final mission on lunatic and cannot defeat the final boss because I didn't do something right. Playing through it a second time on Lunatic Casual (meaning perma-death is on) made me realize this. So without further ado, let's begin.


Robin/My Unit


At the very beginning of the game, you get to customize your own character and decide what Asset (dominant stat) and Flaw (weakest stat) to choose from. Some people believe this choice is extremely important and believe that everyone should have +Defense and -Luck or +Speed and -Luck. However, you can really pick whatever you want as long as you don't pick -Defense or -HP. I like to go +Defense and -Luck or do +Skill and -Luck. +Strength and -Magic is also a strong choice if you are planning to become a General. Like I said, it doesn't matter which 2 you pick, as long as you take advantage of your Asset with your final class.


Prologue - Chapter 4


These 5 battles are arguably the hardest fights in the game. The only way to beat these chapters is to rely on Fredrick. Fredrick will be your crutch for these battles. You need to rely on him, but remember to let other units (esp. Chrom and Robin) to come in for the final blows. I will go ahead and tell you now that training Robin and Chrom should be your #1 priority until you recruit Lucina.


For the prologue, I'd suggest giving him Robin's bronze sword during the first turn and to send him into the front lines to take on the attacks. Pair Fred with either Chrom or Robin (esp. if Speed is your asset) and let them fight together. This is very important; do not use the Silver Lance unless you have to!!! You may need it for future levels. Keep Lissa and the remaining unit out of harms way until only 1 or 2 enemies remaining in range with low HP. then let either Robin or Chrom finish them off for some experience. At this point, no enemies should be moving. Let Lissa come in and heal all your units for some good exp. Then, do the same thing again and let Freddy take the damage while the other stay out of range. Then, let the weaker units do cleanup. Then, there should be 1 unit left. Plan it out carefully so that either Chrom or Robin get the final blow. The boss in each chapter gives extra exp. and letting Chrom or Robin get it in the early chapters will make it much much much easier!


The next couple of chapters are harder than the prologue, but the method is the same. Send Fredrick headfirst into battle and keep others just outside of reach and bring them in for cleanup. Also, remember to pair your units together and to start making relationships early. I will go into detail about this a little later. If you can start a good relationship between Robin and Chrom (doesn't matter if Robin is male or female). You can actually send them into the front lines a little with Fred and switch between them to prevent either one of them from dying. If their HP gets too low, retreat and let Fredrick continue his attack and let Lissa heal them. If you are playing Classic mode, restart the chapter if either Fredrick or Lissa die. I'll also explain why you don't want Lissa to die a little later too.


Recruiting Donnel


Recruiting Donnel is very important and can be done with relative ease. Have him pair up with Fred for the first half of the fight. Whenever you get a recovery period and cleared everyone on the southern part of the map, you'll see an archer in the top left corner of the map. make sure you have enough units and trap the archer in the corner so he can't attack. Let Donnel attack him (by himself) and let him kill him. He should grow a level or nearly grow a level from this. If he doesn't grow a level, there should be another archer on the map. position yourself ahead of time so you can kill him with Donny. This will put him over the top so you can recruit him. From now on, if you have an opportunity for Donny to get the final blow on an enemy, LET HIM. It doesn't happen very often without putting him in risk of dying otherwise you'd want Robin or Chrom to take him out, but if you can get him to sneak in to get enough kills to level him up to level 15 and second seal him to a mercenary and then level him up to level 10 and master seal him to a Hero, he will become one of your strongest units...possibly your strongest!


In progress of writing/typing....

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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