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Assignment Problems (Single Player)


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Hey guys, 

So I started playing BF4 again and decided to return to single player. I am up to the prison mission (if that helps with replies at all). Anyway so I unlocked the bronze assignment at 5,000 points, no problem. Unlock the silver assignment at 7,000 points, no problem. Then I died so I got restarted just before the part where I got my silver mission assignment. so I wandered over and knifed a guy which gave me 7,000 and the assignment didn't pop up saying  unlocked the AUG like it did before. So I knifed another guy to put me a bit over 7,00 and still nothing.. tried 3-5 times so far. Anyone else had this problem? Would greatly appreciate some help... 


EDIT: The assignment is grayed out but the one before (bronze) and the one I haven't unlocked (gold) aren't...?

Edited by NiTR0--X_
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