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ps3 newbie...


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Ps3 newbie seeking mates and likeminded players im 20 years old i have a headset I play GTA V god of war and gran Turismo... I also would like to mention im gay so if that bothers or offends U then please don't bother me all accepted but if U don't play often or have no mic u will be deleted... Happy gaming

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I was playing GTA V today, online for the first time in forever, and I had to go to Google to figure out how to mute everyone because I forgot the interaction menu exists. Then I muted everyone and it was good. But then, when I finished a deathmatch, even though it said mute was on, I could hear people talking and couldn't get their vulgar fucking mouths to shut up so I just went into a solo session.


Grand Theft Auto Online: Proof that playing games by yourself is infinitely more fun than having to listen to some tosspot swear his tits off so much you start to think that you yourself are quite PG, I swear all the fucking time all over the fucking place, I'm disgusting and I know that, but holy shit do these assholes need to get censored. 


Anyway, welcome friend!

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