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I am located in Germany. I stumbled into this forum via invitation for the achievements at Bad Company. I play games since 2009 and love it when that "pling-sound" appears! Beside that I am very interested in traveling, reading and cooking. My playing time depends on my job and I have to balance onlimetime with real life.

Thats it for now.



One of my favorite game is "Resistance-Fall of man". That game I played so often I can not remember. And it was the entrance to Shootergames. I never played games before the PS3.

I like reading Science Fiction. My favorite here is Isaac Asimov and his Foundation. Beside him I like Arther C. Clarke and at the moment I enjoy reading Stieg Larson. His way of writing scares me sometimes.

Edited by McSilversurfer
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Hi there, and welcome to the forums.


Suggested reading for new members:

  1. General Info;
  2. The Rules; and
  3. What to do when you want to boost a trophy.

I need to read more Asimov, I haven't picked up a book of his since I was a little kid. What other genres are you into?


Look forward to catching you on the forums. All the best!

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