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New BO2 MP Details


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Here's the [source] for the article. Below I'm just going to outline what's been mentioned because it is looooooong

  • No second chance, last stand, final stand etc. Nothing that gives the user another opportunity to keep living in MP. Still exists in zombies
  • Killstreak rewards 'wrap around' once you get your top reward. If you get an airstrike as your top reward, you begin working towards your first reward again while maintaining your current killstreak. You have to have used the reward to earn it again
  • Aggressive gameplay in some match types will be rewarded more than camping. Think of getting the extra points when you capture a flag
  • Revenge Voice. You can choose to listen to your fallen enemy's mic for a few seconds after you killed them
  • You get unlock tokens when you level up to spend on your character. There are 55 tokens to get as you level but there's more than 100 things to unlock. This just gives incentive to go prestige and unlock them all

When I was going through that article the list seemed much bigger :P

EDIT: I've found a new article that's fairly relevant, it details BO2's "League Play"

The way League Play works is, you participate in placement matches that let Treyarch understand how good you are relative to the rest of the population. Then, they put you in a division that is similar to your skill.

Once the game knows what league you're in, you can play with a smaller community of players who are around your skill level. The point is to try to make the game more fun for everyone involved--nobody wins too much, or loses too much.

Treyarch Details Black Ops 2 'League Play'

New mode for Black Ops 2!

by Patricia Hernandez on 30th Aug, 2012

Sometimes, you hop into a game and the balance just isn't right--there are people who are way too good, and people who are terrible. Ideally, though, you jump into a match where the skill level is somewhat even and there's no heavy skill imbalance.

Treyarch knows this. To that end, they've developed something that they call "League Play," which they talked about in a video interview with Joystiq. The way League Play works is, you participate in placement matches that let Treyarch understand how good you are relative to the rest of the population. Then, they put you in a division that is similar to your skill--design director David Vonderhaar put forth 'silver' as an example, so we might expect something like 'gold, silver, bronze' etc.

Once the game knows what league you're in, you can play with a smaller community of players who are around your skill level. The point is to try to make the game more fun for everyone involved--nobody wins too much, or loses too much. The most fun is had, after all, when you're close to going either way on a match.

League Play will not be replacing the normal matchmaking that Call of Duty has had before.

Also Wager matches have been confirmed to make a return :o


Edited by Khal Lee
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FINALLY! No more second chance! Is that good news or what. Oh and I heard that in one circumstance, if someone stays still for too long, then the radar will pick him up, ultimatly reducing campers.

That's actually a great way to get rid of campers, but what counts as still? Many people will 'camp' in a general area and take control of it like that, or move to another window if they're sniping. It's a good idea but I'm not sure of it's execution

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That's actually a great way to get rid of campers, but what counts as still? Many people will 'camp' in a general area and take control of it like that, or move to another window if they're sniping. It's a good idea but I'm not sure of it's execution

New attachments coming to Black Ops 2's weapons include the Target Finder, a sight that makes it easier to separate friend from foe on the field, and the Millimeter Wave Scanner, a powerful optic that can see stationary enemies at close range through walls and objects

The way it will be is that if you activate the M.W.S. (Millimeter Wave Scanner) you will be able to see stationary people at close range. I guess with that you wont be killed by that coward in the corner again, eh?

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