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Is Just Saying " Hi " Cliche?


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Hello all!

My name is Lilly. I'm a TransGamer. MTF.

Not like that is really important. <3

What is.

I'm a really nice and sweet person.

I luv to chat and just play around.

I can be kind of hyper. But I'm a really friendly person, once you get to know me.

I wanted to join last week. Though I had Tonsillitis. ( FYI Is hard to leep off. xD) I had to finally get to the doctor and get some strong medicine. Now I feel 100% better and up to joining.

I enjoy cooking, Writing, Drawing, Gamming and Talking.

I take care of my Bed Bound Mother. We are really close. I do anything from Cleaning up around the house, Cooking us some meals and just company to my mom. When I get my own time, I like to game. Had a old account but got locked out. I used a password and forgot it...-_-u.

Now I'm starting new, which is fine I love the trophy journey.

Ummm....What else?

Lol Idk.

If you have anything at all to ask just say so. I'll reply as quick as I can.

If you just want to say hi. That's fine too!

Hope to make some awesome friends!

Lilly. <3

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Welcome to the forums and I hope you will enjoy your stay :)

Thank you! and Thank you to all others who might say hello.

I for some reason have a posting restriction, So I only got one left after this. Wanted to say Thank you so I didn't come off as rude.

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