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Harsly's Hunting Journal


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Update 15: After a long time I've decided that my checklist could use a banner (props to my girlfriend). :D


I've also changed the name from "thee-in-one list" to Hunting Journal. I'm still thinking of a way to change my rating system, since the heart symbols seem really bland now that I actually have a banner. If anyone has any ideas I'm willing to consider them :)

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Update 16: Added SOMA to list of 100%'s. :)



My first thoughts when I started playing SOMA were that the game was visually impressive but lacking in actual entertaining gameplay and story. I was proven wrong. The more I played the game the more the story became interesting to me. I also got used to the controls and suddenly avoiding mosters wasn't a pain in the ass but was actually fun. Reading notes and messages on computers was actually fun in this game, as was connecting with dead bodies to find out how they died. The game sometimes reminded me of Alien: Isolation, but less intense, which doesn't make SOMA bad at all, because the idea behind the game is different than in Alien: Isolation. I really enjoyed this one. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Update 17: Added Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition and The World of Nubla platinums!



Sleeping Dogs was a game I kept removing from my wishlist then adding it back, multiple times. It seemed appealing but not too unique, basically a GTA in a Hong Kong setting. I ended up spending 33 hours playing this game (yay for in-game play time trackers, they should be mandatory in every game), and I have to say that in the end I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be. It was very far from a bad game, but the more I tried to ignore the fact that it's so similar to GTA the more it stood out. The story was pretty good, not amazing but just enough interesting to keep you playing. All in all it was a fun game, I don't regret playing it at all, but I'm glad I'm done with it because for the past week I've had problems with approaching my car from the wrong side (left-hand traffic in game but right-hand traffic in my country), :lol:


Revisiting Nubla for another easy platinum was a decision I do not regret as much as I thought I would, because I remembered how much I enjoyed the soundtrack AND got my 80th platinum. But that still wasn't enough to make me like this game, and it still remains "meh".


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  • 4 weeks later...

Update 18: Added four platinums: BioShock, The Little Acre, The Bunker and Catlateral Damage!




Bioshock is a game that I've wanted to play for such a long time now. It was really hard for me at first, I could barely get past the first Big Daddy, which really frustrated me, but not as much as the constant freezes and crashes. I had to start the game over after half an hour of playing three times. But when I really got into the game it was really great and when I got used to the gameplay I had more time to appreciate the environment and all the details in the rooms, which really make this game amazing. Playing it through for the second time (first playthrough was blind) was even better because then I could finally enjoy myself and play stress free, so now that the world of Bioshock is known to me I can't wait to play Bioshock 2 and Infinite (especially after all the great things I've heard about Infinite).


The Little Acre was an ok game, but some of the positive reviews are extremely exaggerated (the game is rated 9/10 on Steam, and some people say the story puts some Pixar stories to shame). I played the game 3 days ago and I already don't remember the details of the story, and it was really stupid in my opinion, the characters were pretty good but other than that it was pretty boring.


I'll admit that I didn't even know The Bunker was a live-action game before starting it, because I bought it after seeing the trophy list and the cheap price. But it was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed the game for a good 3 hours and even my girlfriend that usually doesn't care for anything I play, dropped what she was doing for some time and watched the game. It's nothing amazing, but I don't think anyone would be disappointed after playing it, and earning a plat along the way. :D


Catlateral Damage is a really boring game. When I first started playing it I hated the controls, and when I got used to the controls I was already burnt out as I've experienced everything the game had to offer. I thought about abandoning the game but I just discovered a new record which I love, that is two hours long and I listened to it three times and got the plat. :D 




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Update 19: Today was a great day for platinumless games. :D Added LIMBO, Rain, Linger in Shadows and Datura.



I'm really happy for finally getting the <5 deaths trophy for LIMBO, cause it really is one of my favourite games, it's just perfectly executed, and even after playing through it for the 5th or 6th time I still enjoyed it.


Rain was a good game, but the main thing that bothered me was that the story is soo drawn out it's painful. The Unknown monster thing was the most annoying part, it was a very boring enemy and it just keep returning no matter what happens, after the fifth time you've gotten rid of him, he still comes back somehow and it's really annoying.


Linger in Shadows was as expected, a fast, easy and interesting 100%. The only reason it was interesting was that I've never looked into demoscenes before, and because it's so short (I can't imagine going through multiple hours of this game).


Datura had really shit controls which pissed me off, but somehow I enjoyed it, probably cause it was so short and I knew I wouldn't need to endure hours of the garbage controls. The environment was ok and the concept was interesting.


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Update 20: Added two platinums: Far Cry Classic, Monster Jam and one 100%: detuned.



Far Cry Classic war worse than I expected, but then again maybe I expected too much. The mechanics were terrible, the promoted stealth was basically useless, thank fuck for the hard mode exploit because this game was sometimes frustrating even on hard, also playing through it for a second time would be painful. I don't regret playing it, actually I'm happy I did, so that's why I'm not giving it a black heart but a grey one.


detuned was just what I expected, a very cheap, pointless game with all trophies attainable in minutes. :blush:


Monster Jam started out terribly, but it wasn't actually that bad once I got into it. It was definitely terribly made, with hundreds of glitches occurring during my playthrough, but still it was a fast, easy and mildly entertaining plat if listening to music or podcasts while playing (because the soundtrack is terrible and repetitive in a bad way).


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  • 1 month later...

Update 22: I finally fixed the hearts for the rating system of my plats. The old one icons were alt codes for the heart symbol in different colours, but all of them turned pink with the introduction of the new emoticons on the site some time ago. They were now replaced with bigger and better icons as actual embedded icons. :D


I have also added my 89th and 90th platinum, Terminator Salvation and Hannah Montana The Movie. :)



Terminator Salvation wasn't even that bad as I expected it to be, and it wasn't that hard as some people on this forum made it out to be. I was really expecting a frustrating and boring but brief experience, and what I got wasn't boring nor frustrating. Not to say that it's a great game, it's just OK. Worth the 4€ I paid for it, the few hours I spent on it and the platinum. :D


I had a similar experience with the infamous Hannah Montana game. It really wasn't that bad. xD I like rhythmic games so this wasn't that boring for me but it was too easy, would be great if the performances were, five times as hard, that would make me even say that the game was GOOD and not just OK.


All in all a good day, 2 plats and just 10 more till one hundred:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 23: I've added four new plats to my collection: Grand Theft Auto IV, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered, Lara Croft GO and Jazzpunk!



I can't believe I finally finished Grand Theft Auto IV, I never thought I'd get the plat for this amazing, classic game. I probably never could have done it without @ProfBambam55's help (guides and boosting). I very rarely spend 50 plus hours on games, and I spent over 80 hours on this one and easily could add another 80. It's been about 9 years since I first played the game so I'd forgotten the story just enough to enjoy it all over again, this is definitely one of my favourite stories in video games, and once I got used to the outdated graphics I was completely immersed in the world of Liberty City. I really can't find much wrong about this game, and I can't wait to get the DLC and play that as well. :D


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception was a game that has been in my backlog for a long time, but I never actually got around to playing it because I didn't want to play the PS3 version and be stuck with a 50% list, , but I also couldn't justify buying the entire collection for PS4 just to play Uncharted 3. I was planning to buy it anyway of course, but then I got a 15€ voucher from the good people at Postabargain.co.uk and chose the standalone Uncharted 3 physical release which cost exactly 15€. :D The game was better than I expected, as most people said they felt indifferent about the third game, I found it fantastic! The story was great, the gameplay was fun, the scenery was amazing. I played through the game three times (crushing, speedrun, brutal and specific chapters multiple times) and I can't say I was bored for one second. My only issue with this game is the shit that is Brutal difficulty. I don't know how someone could find this entertaining, the game literally needs to be done in 90% blind fire because 1-2 bullets kills you, and hey I'm all for a realistic difficulty but it's not that great when a game couldn't be beaten realistically. I couldn't have done it without one shot kills and infinite ammo. Other than that the game was awesome. :)


Lara Croft GO was better than Hitman GO for me, it had nicer scenes, wasn't as repetitive as Hitman GO and had better "combat" sequences. It was still just an easy platinum for me though, and I was using a guide throughout. It would be very fun for a turn based puzzle lover.


I've wanted to play Jazzpunk ever since I saw the trailer before the game was released. It looked very weird and I liked the comedy in the game and the absurdity of the world. When the game was released I noticed the 2 hour platinum which put the game on the top of my to play list. :D As expected, I laughed my ass off throughout the game, it was just as weird as I thought, but in an even better way. I loved the random interactions with the civilians, the funny side missions, the random encounters with side characters... This is one of those games that is an extremely easy platinum but also a very fun game. :D


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