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Multiplayer Discussion


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I may be ranting here but whatever.

This has a lot to do with my multiplayer experiences online.

I've noticed since the very first time I played a game online via console, people don't play the available game modes the way they are meant to be played.

Ex. Domination - Call of Duty: The objective of Domination is to own all of the control points on the map.

Why is it that when I play this game mode, no one even pays attention to the control points? They're too busy focusing on their kills. When I see that, I ask them why don't they just play Free For All or any other kill specific game mode and they say, I get more kills in this game mode. This may be true but you're messing up the people who are actually playing the game mode the way it is meant to be played. (I hate how people say Call of Duty sucks though. It really doesn't, except Black Ops 2. Most of the people say it sucks because of their MP experience)

Ex 2. Wolfpack - Assassin's Creed 3: Work together to KILL the designated TARGETS. Coordinate with your TEAMMATES to maximize your score and reach the SCORE THRESHOLD before the end of the SEQUENCE COUNTDOWN.

When I play this game mode, there are only a few people who do what the description says. Why? The majority of the time I'll see players running to the next target and just killing them without trying to get a Silent or Incognito bonus to maximize the teams score and move on to the next sequence.

Co-op In General: Co-op in gaming would be working or acting together to complete a common objective.

I prefer Co-op game modes over Competitive game modes any day, but the players I find in Co-op, think it is Competitive. Constantly killing their own teammates on "accident" or just not working together at all..

It seems like the only thing people care about are their stats. I get that my way of fun may be different then others and you may think I take playing online to seriously but that's the way you see it. I'd just like to find more people who actually play the game modes correctly and have fun doing so, not just the ones I mentioned either.

(NOTE: I'm not telling you how you should play the game you purchased with your money - I understand you're meant to have fun while playing online or offline - Anything you say I will most likely already know - If you don't agree with what I say then just ignore it)

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As for domination...

I completely agree. Half the time everyone has like 2 captures and a few defends. Usually, I have 4 captures and are in the top 3 every game. What really grinds my gears is that dumb#$&* who gets ZERO captures and 6 defends because all s/he ever does is freakin' camp the base. Congrats! you got 1000 pts and went 12-4! You might actually prestige by the time the next CoD comes out!!! Seriously people, I don't care if Dom. does increase your KtD, play a mode that scores you the most points! KtD is way overrated anyway...esp. in objective-based missions.

(I haven't started AC3 yet so I have no opinion at this point..)

As for Co-op...

I like Co-op. It's very fun and can make a game more exciting with a friend esp on harder difficulties/missions. But if you join my game when I'm trying to do missions on borderlands, Don't just jump in a vehicle and screw around while I do all the missions! Not only are you mooching off my hard work for experience, but You and your "buddy" are hogging all the vehicles so I have to run everywhere which SLOWS ME DOWN! I might as well just turned on a controller and selected "splitscreen" at the main menu...at least my unmanned controller won't hog the vehicles...

And that's all I have to say about that.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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Play hardcore or those league matches, use a mic, play with your friends, etc.

I get the same amount of hitmarkers if not more when playing hardcore. Using a mic doesn't help because people don't listen or they just don't give a damn. I do play with friends but after a while they start to suck, I get better, or they just stop playing as a team.
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