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So it looks like Atari is getting back into the console business, at least on a small scale. So what are everyone's thoughts? 


From the email I received this morning.


First look at the Ataribox design.

Thanks again for signing up to learn more about the Ataribox project!

We’ve been blown away by the feedback since the teaser release, and today, we’re excited to share an exclusive first look at the Ataribox design with you.  

Our objective is to create a new product that stays true to our heritage while appealing to both old and new fans of Atari. 

Inspired by classic Atari design elements (such as the iconic use of wood, ribbed lines, and raised back); we are creating a smooth design, with ribs that flow seamlessly all around the body of the product, a front panel that can be either wood or glass, a front facing logo, indicator lights that glow through the material, and an array of new ports (HDMI, 4xUSB, SD). We intend to release two editions: a wood edition, and a black/red edition.
As you can guess, those ports suggest modern internal specs. It also means that while we will be delivering classic gaming content, we will also be delivering current gaming content.
We know you are hungry for more details; on specs, games, features, pricing, timing etc. We’re not teasing you intentionally; we want to get this right, so we’ve opted to share things step by step as we bring Ataribox to life, and to listen closely to Atari community feedback as we do so. There are a lot of milestones, challenges and decision points in front of us in the months ahead. We’ll be giving you lots more information and status updates as we progress, and we are thrilled to have you along for the ride!

Hope you like where we are taking this, we’ll be in touch soon.

The Ataribox Project team.

PS: Please let us know what you think via our social channels; and also please like, follow, subscribe, and share as much as possible!
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Eurogamer mentioned they'll probably be crowdfunding for this thing, at least initially, which sets alarm bells ringing. I am interested in seeing what they do with it, but I don't predict a massive success. At best, a cheap and basic supplement to existing home consoles. At worst, another Ouya.


It does look very nice, though. Shape of the chassis reminds me of the Master System. 

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