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Full Spell Card Capture (Normal/Hard/Lunatic)


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Since I just beat Flandre (Extra Boss) on Hard with a Complete Break (All Spells Captured) and having all other Spells captured on Hard/Normal, does that mean this trophy is bugged? Do I really need to Capture her Spells on Normal, even though I never played Extra on Normal, only Hard? (My Library Claims I have Captured every spell from Cirno to Flandre on Normal, and Every spell form Cirno to Nitori as well well as Flandre on Hard. (I have only captured Sakuya's second spell on Hard as a heads up.)

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6 hours ago, ShadyMan8903 said:

I would argue the wording is just fine, although the outcome of not stacking is less desirable. The description specifically states on <difficulty>.


Beating Flandre on Hard before Normal gives the Normal and Hard trophies at the same time. (I Complete Broke her on Hard, then Normal, Unlocked Lunatic then immediately Complete Broke her on Lunatic. I however did not get the Trophy pop til Complete Breaking her on Normal. Speaking of Which, do you need to complete break each boss or just Capture on different attempts, because every time I captured the last one I missed, I always Complete Broke them on the same attempt. (I would have Complete Broke Nitori on Lunatic if I was a millisecond faster; I timed out as I Captured it making it not count.) As of now, only two spells not captured on Hard are Sakuya's First and Remilia's Second, albeit, I have actually complete broke Sakuya on Lunatic, so...


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Hm...difficulty trophies might stack on each other but the all cards clear seem to be unique, which sorta makes sense in that different patterns via increased bullet count would lead to different strategies. Less bullets is not automatically easier in this game due to the DM DR mechanics.

Edited by ShadyMan8903
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5 hours ago, ShadyMan8903 said:

Hm...difficulty trophies might stack on each other but the all cards clear seem to be unique, which sorta makes sense in that different patterns via increased bullet count would lead to different strategies. Less bullets is not automatically easier in this game due to the DM mechanics.

Do you mean "DR" as in "Danmaku Rush"? As for what you said, I have a complete Break on almost all bosses on Lunatic, but not Hard. (Missing Satori and Remilia on Lunatic, but I never fought them) and I am missing Sakuya and Remilia (one spell each) on Hard. I have captured them on Hard Practice however. I wish this game had a Spell Practice like Eight, but if it did, I would have to play Easy... If I get the Lunatic Trophy before the Hard Trophy... (I also have not beaten Sakuya on Hard with any character besides Cirno, yet she is the hardest?) Then again, I play with her the most. I guess the uniqueity comes from the Danmaku Rush this game has like you said.


Edit: Also only Touhou game I have come close to 1CCing let alone beating. (I do not know what 1CC stands for, just what it means.)


Edit 2: After 1CCing Lunatic with Cirno, I can say that I only need to capture Satori 2 and Remilia 2 (Spells.)


Edit 3: I captured Every Single Spell Card (except for Cirno) on Story and the library does not say "All spell cards captured on Lunatic" for Nitori or Remilia, even though I have captured them all, so it looks like a Complete Break is mandatory. (First Time I messed up Remilia's First spell makes me sick knowing you have to do a Complete Break.)


Edit 4: After completing Lunatic with Reimu, it gave me the Hard and Lunatic Trophies for Reimu. (I am only missing Hard/Lunatic no Bomb Clear, and Hard/Lunatic Marisa Clear)


Edit 5: The Lunatic and Hard Full Capture stacked, but Hard and Normal Did not stack. I find that really weird, unless Extra Stage is just treated differently. Lunatic No Bomb and Lunatic No MArisa then Plat. (If this Lunatic Marisa run clears without Bombs, then I get all four at once.)


Edit 6: Okay, biggest issue is stopping myself from panic bombing when someone comes into my room now...

Edited by FlightlyBird777
Prevent Double Post.
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8 hours ago, ShadyMan8903 said:

Should be DR not DM. DM is usually desparation move which doesnt apply to this game. Also 1CC stands for 1 credit clear.


That helps a bunch. Can I ask what "DM" means then? The Danmaku Rush alone allowed me to 1CC Lunatic. I almost 1CCed it with Marisa and Reimu, but Remilia got the best of me. As for No Bomb Clear; I had to resort to doing that as Cirno. I would say this game can be Plated in 120 minutes if you capture every Single Spell Card on your first time playing it on Hard and Lunatic where Reimu is the only one played on Hard. (I still do not know how to get the :Graze Master" trophy, even after getting the Platinum. I do have a video of getting 1600 bullets in a single Danmaku Rush with Cirno however.)


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