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[Red Dead 2] Platinum Trophy Rarity Predictions?


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Since Red Dead Online isn't slated to be released until Nov 9 (at the earliest), players are given a huge chance to get all of the single player trophies done before everybody races to get the online trophies, and then the platinum.


So, I started to wonder how that Trophy Rarity will shift. I'm guessing that it'll be at it's highest around the end of the month which has allowed people to get the 100% in Campaign and then the multiplayer trophies, and even go back and get the missable trophies. However, the holiday crowd will be an interesting variable since a) the full guide(s) and missable trophy lists will be available unlike it was to us early players but b ) so many games come out around this time that if you wait to shop for any over the holidays, more than just RDR2 will catch your eye (This will be the first Holiday Season since God of War, Spider-Man, AC Odyssey, Far Cry 5, RDR2, whatever else, and even Monster Hunter World will have been released).


Since is most likely the most daunting platinum of the holiday season (mainstream-wise, at least), I think the Plat % will drop "greatly" after the end of December. I'm guessing a .3% tops for PS and 3% tops on this site.


What do you think? Any variables that I missed? Whoever's closest to the correct % at the end of Feb will be crowned "Pointless Victor of Irrelevant Discussion"

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