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The Last of Us Multiplayer: 24 Survival Tips


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Two things. First, The Last of Us has a multiplayer mode called Supply Raid that is the freshest, most addictive mode I’ve experienced in years. Second, I apologize for not posting this guide weeks ago — I’ve been playing way, way too much TLOU!


The Last of Us differs from other multiplayer games in many ways. It’s stealthy, ammo and resources are scarce, and teamwork is absolutely vital. What’s more, your total kills take a backseat to Parts — a currency that you can spend on weapon upgrades, ammo, power weapons, and armor. All of which are capable of evening the odds in a match. You score Parts by downing and executing enemy players, but also reviving teammates, healing friends, and crafting and distributing items.


This tip guide will focus primarily on Supply Raid, which is TLOU’s answer to the venerable Team Deathmatch. Stick around for some tips we solicited from Twitter, and leave your own tips in the comments below!





  1. Upgrade melee ASAP. The upgraded two-by-four is the ultimate equalizer, and you’ll want it right away. It’s capable of downing an enemy with one hit, cuts through armor, and you even get to keep it if you die! At the start of each match, your priority should be to find and upgrade a two-by-four — you’ll usually find one in the second salvage box you open. The Brawler survival skill is also strongly recommended.
  2. Party hardly. When selecting your play mode, do yourself a favor and select the “no parties” matchmaking option. The toughest teams always roll in parties, and they’ll cut you down lickety-split. Taking them out of the equation will give you a fighting chance if you’re still learning the ropes.
  3. Slow and steady. Walking and crouchwalking (Circle) are essential because they keep you off the enemy’s radar so you can sneak in for a surprise kill. Then, when you spot an unsuspecting foe, don’t attack right away. Lull him into a false sense of security, then strike when he gets distracted or turns his back.
  4. Starter skills. Sharpshooter is a great choice for any build focusing on precision weapons like the semi-auto rifle or revolver. Brawler and Crafter are also extremely valuable, and Explosives Expert are no-brainers if you’re handy with a molotov or bomb. But be sure to experiment — the survival skills are complex and multilayered.
  5. Poison the well. Booby-trapping salvage boxes and health kits with bombs will keep enemy players off balance and paranoid. Salvage boxes make a particularly tempting target: they’re an essential resource for all players, and many players will drop their defenses when they spot one. Place your proximity mines cleverly, around key corners in inside grass clumps, and you’ll be racking up Parts in no time.
  6. Heal early, heal often. When your health dips by a third or more, stop, drop, and heal. TLOU’s cautious play style will afford you many opportunities to patch yourself up — even mid-firefight — if you’re bold. Equipping First Aid Training helps, too. And remember: you can heal and move at the same time.
  7. Armor apprehension. Tapping Select and then R1 enables you to purchase armor and ammo from the in-game store. Armor is a constant temptation, but it rises in price with each purchase so it’s best saved for the final minutes of a particularly close match. Most times, it’s better to funnel your Parts towards a weapon upgrade or two early on — you’ll gain a noticeable advantage that lasts for the whole match.
  8. Smoke ‘em out. TLOU’s smoke bombs are ridiculously effective. Obviously, they produce clouds of smoke that obscure the battlefield and help route enemy movement. Better still, these stinky saviors will stun all nearby enemies. If you’ve got a Shiv, you’ll have a few seconds to score a one-hit kill from the front or the rear.
  9. Live to give. Being generous with your teammates is not only nice, it’s rewarding! Every time you revive, heal, or gift an item to a teammate, you gain Parts — and they add up fast. The Crafter 2 survival skill is especially useful, rewarding you with rapid crafting speed and the ability to stock your friends with health and munitions for bonus Parts.
  10. Lean in. Here’s a nuance many players miss: While aiming (L1), you can swap shoulders by tapping R2. With a little practice, you can use this to lean out from behind a corner to squeeze off a few shots from relative safety.
  11. Down but never out. Take too much punishment and you’ll go down, dropping to your hands and knees as you await death. But you’re not helpless: you can scuttle away to be revived by a teammate, or lead your pursuers into a nearby ambush or bomb.
  12. Pistol power. Lately, my favorite strategy has been to take the 9 millimeter or revolver and skip the larger primary weapons. This loadout brings a host of unique benefits: You’ll reclaim two Loadout Points for other use (say, a silencer); you’ll only need one type of ammo; and you’ll save buckets of Parts that you can invest elsewhere. If you go this route, fully upgrade your pistol early in the match (it’s only 800 Parts) to gain greatly increased accuracy, fire rate, clip size, and stability.








Information courtesy of Playstation Blog: 


I read this on the PS Blog the other day and these are a lot of great mp tips. Thought they might come in handy for anyone that hasn't read this. 

Edited by MrsB
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A few more:


- Stick with your team. If you play "Lone Wolf", you will more than likely die. I would leave the flanking alone manuevers for the more experienced players.


- If you're just starting out, I recommend playing the pre-made Support class. Follow your team and heal/revive and gift as necessary. Plus you start with a revolver which is a fantastic gun.

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  • 4 months later...

Stick with the pack and never run to catch up. Play Lone wolf and you'll never get a kill. Also, make sure you mark your targets if you see them with R3. You get assist points for this. Make sure you craft all available items before the match ends. You get 30 parts each. It isn't much, but in supply raid this can add up veeeerry quickly. If you find yourself in a fire fight, stay crouched and wait for backup. If you find yourself alone, RUN! and try to get others to follow you... you could just lead them into an ambush! Also, Explosive expert + molotovs is a must in my book! molotovs is a 1 throw kill if used properly. 


People need to realize, this is a team game. You can't go alone like you could in uncharted; live and die as a team. You'll find yourself getting a ton more points off giving and reviving then kills if you stay in the pack and work together.

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