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Glitch to make Hardcore a little easier


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I saw some good advice on the other thread as to good hardcore run tips and strategy (props to @Satsukiye_ specifically, really helped me.) I was nervous using Total Mess because of the guides I had read that said it would cause you to drop your main weapon (if I spent the whole game trying to make the chainsword, I don't want it to be discarded 3 turns later.)

I found that, atleast on the PS4 version, while the Total Mess perk can cause you to drop the weapon you have equipped from your bag, the weapon will remain equipped in the upper right hand corner and in fights. So I would keep playing the first 10 levels until I found the old man, quit to menu and go back in until he had an endgame weapon for something I had on hand (or could easily get like scrap metal or tape,) and then equip it. Even when I dropped the weapon 5 floors later, I would still have it equipped for the remainder of the game.

The only catch is that you can't switch weapons (because you don't have the weapon in your bag to switch back) or go to the menu because when you log back in you will lose the equipped weapon.

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  • 8 months later...

Finally managed to beat hardcore...combining the old man (thanks for the tip, really saved me - didn't know the items could refresh) and some upload/download save files. Already was aware of the weapon drop glitch. Just to add up on everything said, if you do go the old merchant route finding a tier 3/4 weapon, only level up accuracy (you'll never get to the real stats to get full potential, and points don't add up to dmg, so better to hit as often as possible)


There's also a doc spreadsheet (check on steam forums) with the weapons and stats, makes it easier to see what you're getting (got lucky after many attempts and got the Hammersword - suggest you take anything with both numbers high, and not the yolo ones that can go from 1 to whatever, the -33% penalty will negate a lot of the high damage in the end, and I find consistency to work better, specially if you'll be going full accuracy)


Honestly don't know if hardcore is actually doable without all that, the low xp and high enemy health makes it pretty much impossible (you would need insane luck all the time). And Total Mess is the only option, otherwise no way. Bit of a shame in that regard.


Neat little game though, really liked it. Just need to farm all notes (hopefully it won't glitch me - fingers crossed) and deaths, and good to go.

Edited by Rejim
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