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Can no longer edit my post

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Hey there PSNProfiles community!


Over the past 3 weeks, I've been unable to edit and update my checklist on the site due to the constant error message: https://imgur.com/a/oYy923q

Now I understand that timing out is completely legitimate reason for this message but I get this message simply a couple of minutes after editing now and it got progressively worse over time (like something is building up in the background). I know many will say it's probably the character limit, however I copied other people's large posts into Word to compare the amount of characters entered and many people have more than me. I've tested many things out such as switching browsers, devices etc and it's the same. I've tried getting in contact with admins and the big mod himself and had no luck. I was wondering if there was a possible solution which someone could suggest.


I've noticed when I copy my edits into Word which weren't accepted in the post due to the error message, then paste them back (or manually type them out) in after a reload gives me the same error message, seconds after reloading. It feels like if I reenter the same words as I wanted to edit, it somehow keeps giving me the same error message. For instance, If I put "the cat is purring" and it gives me an error message due to say a timeout, I can reload the page, edit and put it back in again either pasting it or entering it manually, it'll give me the error message again. Then afterwards try typing "the dog is barking" after reload and for some reason it successfully edits. It really is mind-boggling and is becoming truly frustrating because I can't edit one of my trophy checklist posts at all now. 

Edited by Last-_-Judgment
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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to have finally found a work around. I have the feeling it has something to do with the spoiler windows. I minimised amount of characters within them by splitting them up (I also had to delete a spoiler window for it to register, and create a new one) and its working better now. Hopefully this is the solution but its definitely to do with the amount of info in a single spoiler window. 


EDIT: I'm still getting problems with that message, I really can't work out whats causing it.

Edited by Last-_-Judgment
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