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What happened to the 'fastest platinum' time on the milestones?

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I was observing a conversation in a Discord about milestones and a few people posted screenshots etc. and one thing that stuck out to me was the 'fastest platinum' one didn't include the time. I always thought it did, so I went to my main account and had a look and discovered it wasn't there either.


I thought to myself, I swear it did? So I went to the ol' web archives and found a profile page from 2016 and whaddya know, there it is. Turns out I wasn't crazy after all.


My question is, why was the info removed from there and are there any plans to reintroduce it? It does seem a tad odd to have 'fastest platinum' listed there without an indication of how long. If it was removed for consistency in design, maybe the time could instead replace the 'x years ago' label as that's perhaps less relevant for that type of milestone.

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I wonder if Sly decided to remove it one day because it's not really impressive anymore when a bunch of people's fastest platinum is from 15 minute platinum shovelware or maybe repeated instaplat lists... Kinda unfortunate side effect of the trophy system over past years

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I suspect it was pretty much useless as a measure, given that - now that trophies have seen 2 different cross-gen cycles - there are likely now more profiles with at least 1 fully autopopped list than lists without. :dunno:

At this point - and with cross-gen purchases abundant, a person would have to have made a conscious effort not to have any auto-popped lists.

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Makes sense.


Though if that's the case, maybe it makes the 'fastest platinum' milestone completely redundant, perhaps it'd be best to save space on the milestones board by removing it entirely?


Seems weird to me for it to both be acknowledged as a milestone yet no longer say the time on it.

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