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Specific games not showing (Possible Site-Bug? Or just dumb user))

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Hi all, I didn't want to post this in Bugs yet, But i was looking for some help to figure out if i actually have found an issue, or just being a dumbo.

Specific games are not showing on my profile. (Mk11 ps4, Sleeping dogs etc) 
Now i have tried everything to get them to show infact i have been at it for 6 hours at this point.

This is what i have deduced from the experience. All the games that are not showing where "Hidden" on ps4 BEFORE i changed my Psn name from OrcaForce > UnexpectedWhale they are of course now no longer hidden , Mk11 is not platted and is not showing. Got a trophy in sleeping dogs, list not showing. However everything is perfectly fine on playstations side.

I have actually gained the Plat for Mk11 on ps4, And as it is quite rare i really want to get this sorted out so if yal' got any idea or someone more senior on the site could look into it for me i would be greatly appreciative.  

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6 minutes ago, BGriff1986 said:

Are you sure everything is okay on the PlayStation side? Doing a check of your profile via the PS App I can’t see the trophies for Sleeping Dogs or MK11 (PS4) in your list, which would explain why they’re not copying over to here

Thanks for taking time to check my profile. I'm not sure why it's not showing for you. 
https://imgur.com/a/gE9TmFn This is my profile as i see it on sonys end.

So yes i'm pretty confidence its A-ok on that side.

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What’s that screenshot taken from? Is that a view that you’re seeing whilst logged in or a view if you go and search for the public version of your profile?

I don’t believe hidden trophies are ever hidden when you view your own account, so if it’s the former then you’re not getting a true view of your public account

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1 minute ago, BGriff1986 said:

What’s that screenshot taken from? Is that a view that you’re seeing whilst logged in or a view if you go and search for the public version of your profile?

I don’t believe hidden trophies are ever hidden when you view your own account, so if it’s the former then you’re not getting a true view of your public account

The screenshot is me being logged in yes, However i can absolutely assure you these games are not hidden, Check ps4 hidden games, then checked ps5, Checked online, Then did a full re-sync on all platforms, Launched all games that where not showing got a trophy, Resynced, Hide all games again Synced, etc. 

That's the issue they are acting as if they are indeed hidden. 

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You've got 600+ hidden games on your profile. Check this link out : 



TDLR : Use your Playstation's privacy and trophy settings to unhide games, earn any new trophy, and finally update your profile here.


Edited by B1rvine
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2 minutes ago, UnexpectedWhale said:

The screenshot is me being logged in yes, However i can absolutely assure you these games are not hidden, Check ps4 hidden games, then checked ps5, Checked online, Then did a full re-sync on all platforms, Launched all games that where not showing got a trophy, Resynced, Hide all games again Synced, etc. 

That's the issue they are acting as if they are indeed hidden. 

Still sounds like an issue on the PSN side, not the PSNP side

If everything was “fine” on Sony’s end then we’d be able to see the trophies when looking at your account on things like the PlayStation App. The fact that they aren’t showing there suggests that it’s Sony’s side which is borked

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I just checked your profile on the Playstation App. And MK 11 is showing(no Sleeping Dogs though), but it's only showing 34% of the trophies. No Plat. I'd share a screenshot, but the last time I tried embedding a pic from imgur, it didn't work out so well ?(technologically challenged ??) 

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6 minutes ago, Badkat18 said:

I just checked your profile on the Playstation App. And MK 11 is showing(no Sleeping Dogs though), but it's only showing 34% of the trophies. No Plat. I'd share a screenshot, but the last time I tried embedding a pic from imgur, it didn't work out so well 1f606.png(technologically challenged 1f615.png1f606.png

That’s the PS5 version of MK11, it’s the PS4 version that seems to be the issue

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37 minutes ago, B1rvine said:

You've got 600+ hidden games on your profile. Check this link out : 



TDLR : Use your Playstation's privacy and trophy settings to unhide games, earn any new trophy, and finally update your profile here.


As stated i have done this.


17 minutes ago, Badkat18 said:

I just checked your profile on the Playstation App. And MK 11 is showing(no Sleeping Dogs though), but it's only showing 34% of the trophies. No Plat. I'd share a screenshot, but the last time I tried embedding a pic from imgur, it didn't work out so well 1f606.png(technologically challenged 1f615.png1f606.png

Some of the trophy auto pop, I should have mentioned its only doing this to ps4 games, but honestly the privacy stuff has been extensivly checked out. 

Perhaps i should raise something with sony ?

Further update to this, just incase anyone can help.
This is all my "Hidden" games, Psnprofile says i have over 300 hidden, I don't have any hidden and here are the 3 games in question.

As you can see they are unticked as they also are on ps4 and ps5.

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1 hour ago, UnexpectedWhale said:

As stated i have done this.


Yeah, you sort of ninja'd me there. At the same time, the way you've written that, I can't get a perfect understanding of exactly what you've done. In normal cases, the "earning of a trophy" must be the very last step, before updating your profile here. If you rehid things etc, then you likely have to start over as well. 


The other possibility is a name change issue, and the site linking process playing catch up. When doing name changes, its also important to have your profile updated before attempting to scan for your new name, otherwise there's delays. How long ago did you change your PSN name? You might need to wait the 24 hours if you haven't already, or an additional 24 hours from when you last attempted to update your previous profile and unhide everything on the new one. Oddly, i can not see that OrcaForce was associated with this account. 



Edited by B1rvine
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6 hours ago, UnexpectedWhale said:

As stated i have done this.


Some of the trophy auto pop, I should have mentioned its only doing this to ps4 games, but honestly the privacy stuff has been extensivly checked out. 

Perhaps i should raise something with sony ?

Further update to this, just incase anyone can help.
This is all my "Hidden" games, Psnprofile says i have over 300 hidden, I don't have any hidden and here are the 3 games in question.

As you can see they are unticked as they also are on ps4 and ps5.

You only checked the PS4 and PS5 hidden games menus. For some reason PS4 games get added to the PS3&Vita menu as well so check there for PS4 games you have hidden. That’s almost always the problem for your scenario. 

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7 hours ago, DaivRules said:

You only checked the PS4 and PS5 hidden games menus. For some reason PS4 games get added to the PS3&Vita menu as well so check there for PS4 games you have hidden. That’s almost always the problem for your scenario. 

This was the solution! You just saved me making a new profile and i didn't fancy doing Bloodborne on a new profile xD

I want to thank everyone who took the time to reply/Check out my profile and offer me advice and help. 

Can i just state how beyond stupid it is that games Only on ps4 get added to a menu for ps3 and vita categories i'll be honest i didn't even check that section and that's on me i guess.

Thanks everyone 
Stay Safe <3

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