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Kira's Link Anime

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Does anyone know how to get the last link anime for Kira? Like all the guides said, I lost the first round and won the second one. Then, I made sure to have very low health in the final round.


I won the final round with a super.

I won the final round with the metal arcana blaze.

I won the final round with critical heart.


None of it worked.


EDIT: I just got it thanks to @postofficebuddy. For anyone attempting this in the future, all of the guides are wrong on this one. I won both rounds. Had perfect health on the last round and finished with a super.

Edited by yuber1234
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I got it done in all 6 stacks of the game. I followed this guide since it's the same for Love Max, what I did is:

  • Won the first round without losing any health
  • Lost the second round
  • Lost more than 90% health in the last round and defeated the opponent with a Super Move or Arcana Blaze

It unlocked just fine for me that way.

Edited by cr1s
Stack update.
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