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UMPiCK´s stash of trophy awesomeness


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Anyone who gets skyrim, fallout new vegas and fallout 3 is a obviously a man with good taste; I had F3 and FNV on my old account, getting NV next, then I'll have all 3  B) I'll be in the good taste club soon. :pimp:


Fallout 3 is the greatest game of all time.. my opinion... my opinion is based on fact though soooo  :ninja:

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I'm about to start my list with skyrim :D

Congrats! :) I love the Elder Scrolls but I am not sure about the next one, ESO, it's just seems like another shitty mmo to me. Only thing cool about is you can explore regions of Tamriel like Elsweye etc.

Edited by UMPiCK24
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. Yea what I'm looking forward to is the exploring of other places too

Not sure how well I'll like the gameplay though

Yeah it just really seems odd. One thing I hate about it are those outlines around enemies. I always loved TES because they are immersive and you really feel like that world is real. And that they downgraded the graphics it wont even be that pretty to look at :/

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