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Trophy Tips

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  • 1 year later...

Playing it now,and you can't unlock trophies if you aren't signed to psn,have no idea why, don't know If is the latest patch or is the fact that i tried to connect to the game leaderboard before starting to play the game First time each time i earned a in game achievement the game tried to connect to psn and it failed,the in game achievement poped but the trophy didn't,logged to psn finished the first stage again,and all the already earned trophies autopoped 


 Edit: Kinda shure it messes the game cuz i tried to connect to the leaderboard offline,cuz when i tried to connect to the leaderboard while signed in,and trophies working,it still appeared a vita notification to turn on network

I tested here and turned off WiFi and tried to get the trophy of winning a stage after time runs out,and it popped normally 


Edit 2: yep the leaderboard fucks the trophies, tested with the trophy to kill a monster with a bomb, i closed the game and ,if you try to connect offline to the leaderboard you won't succeed obviously,but everytime you get a trophy as soon as the in game achievement pops the game automatically tries to connect to PSN,and you don't get the trophy,on this second attempt i turned on wifi completed the first level and nothing,tried connecting to the leaderboard, game signed me in, and the trophy popped on the leaderboard score,if you turn WiFi off and play offline after this i believe everything works normal,maybe if you don't even open the leaderboard section you can do everything offline too i believe 

Edited by AmazingNoeder
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  • 4 months later...

this sucks....i didn't knew that and i played the tutorial stage at my work without internet, i noticed when my vita asked to do the connection but i didn't knew it was because of the trophy now i lost 2 trophys....On your way! and Don’t Pull. i hope deleting all my save will help to get them back.


Edit: I just finished this game and deleted the app/save and reinstall, after updating i got the trophies with a little delay after beating the tutorial....but it worked.

Edited by demetriogaleano1
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