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Gaming Christmas Presents


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Hey all, as you know Christmas is coming up and it's time to start searching for presents. My brother is the only person I know as big a gamer as me (though he leans toward the Xbox side of things) and I'm looking for a gaming-related present for him.

Alongside my search, I'm want to ask what your favorite gaming-related present you've received is. Maybe it's a unique collectible or a piece of merch. Just curious as to what you've all received.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprised this hasn't gotten any replies. I'd assume people around here have gaming related paraphernalia, people used to post pics of those PSN logo lights all the time. I'm generally not one for gaming nick-nackery, but I do have this amusing Tetris block salt and pepper shaker. They stack like Tetris bricks, basically making them a hazard to use for more than decoration. Looks neat, though.

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