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Trophy glitched on me ??, I've checked every walkthrough for the named files to make sure i wasn't missing any and i do have all 58 and i have read them all. However it says i only have 57/58......Has this trophy glitched on me or am i safe to play through all 4 campaigns again to get them all again and hope it pops?

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28 minutes ago, funboy1246 said:

before doing that, if you haven't already, compare what you have to a completed list online and just double check you have everything.

I did, i even found wrote them all down in my phone and went through 1-58 in order on all my saves i do have all 58....just don't wanna pop for me lmao. I'll play through again, i enjoy RE2 so i don't mind the hassle, plus i've played it that many times i know where everything is ?.

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57 minutes ago, mountain_1994 said:

I did, i even found wrote them all down in my phone and went through 1-58 in order on all my saves i do have all 58....just don't wanna pop for me lmao. I'll play through again, i enjoy RE2 so i don't mind the hassle, plus i've played it that many times i know where everything is 1f602.png.

well at least theres that much. i tried googling it, but im at work and some websites aren't permitted on my work computer, that was the best i could come up with to try and help. sorry ya gotta do it yet again but like you said at least you enjoy the game. best of luck to ya

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My Gameplay Guide on here has them all listed correctly, there may be 1 or 2 that don't count as files properly iirc, like some of the photos, but some guides say they do, so it may not have glitched, just misinformation may be leading you to believe it is


My Gameplay guide on here has only the 58 listed that count, I'd double check with my list as well, can't help to get another opinion right and i'm confident mine is accurate!!


Also, it's not 4 playthroughs to get Files, you can get ALL files from both the 2nds. You would need 2.8 playthroughs to get them all from scratch, but technically only 1.8 playthroughs are needed for files as Leon's last file is about 0.8 into the game. Again, another opinion, well a fact I guess, but some other guides say 4 playthroughs right for all collectibles, that's wrong.


From scratch, it's 2.8 playthroughs for Platinum. EVERYTHING can be done on the 2nds, but you need a 1st to unlock the first 2nd.






Edited by Optinooby
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