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DON’T buy this game


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It’s an incomplete broken disaster. I only paid $1.99 for this and still feel like I got ripped off despite my undying appreciation for almost everything vampire/werewolf related. 


A list of fundamental problems:


1)The music does not...exist-except for brief stings between levels. The sound design is generic and repetitive. I ended up muting everything in the menu and listening to either Spotify or YouTube essays instead while playing.


2)Screen-tearing in underground areas (roughly 80% of the game) is frequent. 


3)Several areas are unnavigable without exploiting enemy attacks that send you flying to above platforms/areas. Meaning you have to take damage and jump in the right way at the right time to navigate some areas. The werewolf has a special high jump attack and thus has to do this less than the vampire does. 


4)As far as I can tell, there is no way to equip your “pal,” once bought. 


5)Level select is clunky AF to navigate, and half the controls aren’t explained to you. 


6)Most annoyingly, my first save corrupted. It stopped saving any progression once the game was closed. So I backed it up, deleted it, and started a new file. I’m fairly sure 1 of 2 things caused this: 


-Actually playing a 2 person game you started (progress on 2 player games doesn’t seem to be saved once you exit the game at all), and possibly stops your single-player game(s) from saving any progress as well. 




-Getting any character above level 20 (which also isn’t saved after you close the game and, again, might stop the game from saving any other progress too). 


But for those among you who have already bought the game, or buy it blind, or decide to buy it despite all of the above, have a mini-guide:  


1)2 very useful controls that aren’t explained by the game:


-If you have health potions, press R3 to heal or use any other potions you have. I think there’s a way to scroll through them with the left stick, but I never got the hang of it. 


-Press up on the left stick or d-pad + X + square to do the werewolf’s jump punch attack  (causes you to jump much higher than normal). The same combination for the vampire freezes enemies directly in front of you momentarily. 


2)You can only choose one of two upgrades at level 5, 10, and 15-so read the descriptions of both carefully before choosing. AFAIK neither options are game-breaking. 


3)Level 12 has 4 moving platforms in succession that move randomly. This can make completing the level impossible (especially with the vampire-standing with one foot off the edge and/or using the jump punch attack can often get you through this section with the werewolf) because if they aren’t moving in the right way, reaching them is either undoable or requires far better precision platforming skills than I have. If you can’t navigate them, keep restarting the level until the RNG gods allow you to complete it. 


4)Have fun with level 16. It’s awful, and timed. Exploiting the jump punch attack with the werewolf makes it slightly less painful, but picking off the enemies around a portal so you can close it without being attacked for a few seconds is annoying AF, especially since the level is timed. Don’t even attempt this with the vampire until you reach level 15 and can use the level 15 attack shown in the controls menu pause screen (down, down, circle). It makes picking off the enemies around portals easier. Also, to reach at least one portal with the vampire (and depending on which route you choose, possibly the werewolf as well), you must make use of exploding enemies. There is one area where you can go into a wall facing east. Don’t. AFAIK, it will not help you and getting out is nearly impossible. There is another wall facing west that you will have to run over spikes with red stones to go through. That wall leads to a portal which is sometimes necessary to progress in the level. 


5)Once you have leveled up to level 5, levels 1, 2, and 3 are good to farm potions and red stones if you need them. 


6)Don’t panic if level 19 takes forever to load (it did for me every time I played it). Your system isn’t crashing and neither is the game, it’s just optimized poorly. 


7)Go into the final boss fight (level 20) with plenty of health potions and red stones. Don’t attempt it until you are at least level 18 (one of the trophies require you to reach level 20 with one character anyway, so you might as well grind to level 20 on your first run).


And so ends my mini-guide. Good luck to all looking to 100% this.

Edited by TimeLordCrow13y
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Just got the 100% recently... Please don't buy this Broken game, it doesn't worth the suffering/Pain.


It took me 2 weeks because I didn't want to do the Vampyre Walkthrough, this game is boring and is pretty broken as a whole so stay away if you don't stand bad games (I do and still, I wouldn't play it again even If I get paid for).

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