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Breakingthegreen's Elusive Unobtainable Trophies + Random Junk I've thought of

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  • 2 months later...

Guerrilla game's final servers have gone down, and and I only managed to save one before release... well... I started Shadowfall and gave up when I realise my mental health would be drastically improved if I didn't bother. So anyway Killzone Mercenary's unachievable trophies are safe from being lost to me forever. Next one to go for I think is Everybody's Golf (PS4), if learn how to play golf first... why does it tell me about boegies?  



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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just spent too long re-formatting this page to be in an actually pleasant to read layout, but I bet it's still bad. Anyway, I've just gone through the delisted games website and then I got sad and had to have a little break and sleep, and then some thunderstorms woke me up, so I continued cross reference, and got sad again. 

At least many of the games had wide physical releases or me or my brother had picked up during sales, but hadn't yet started yet. I'm most please to still have access to Poncho.

Back on track I've added the following to the delisted but completable section: Forgotten Anne, Please Don't Touch Anything, Republique, Tumble, Fat Princess, ELEMENT4L and La-Mulana EX.

I await the great server shutdown when we enter October.



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  • 1 month later...

Many game servers were lost as we entered October, it's a little murky which Ubisoft ones are gone, but I didn't get a bunch of them anyway. I did get some though.

The trophies preserved came from:

  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations DLC
  • Disc Golf
  • Everybody's Golf (2017)
  • Assassin's Creed III
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations 



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  • 1 month later...

Not to much of interest has been delisted or shutdown recently for me, which is good for my sanity, I have since completed Please Don't Touch Anything, which was delisted a while ago, but now the racing game Onrush's servers have gone down, and with it the chance of getting the platinum... But I already have it ;) 

I suppose I could go for Medal of Honor's multiplayer trophies, they've been confirmed to go... Probably not though, I hate most military FPSes with a passion.




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  • 2 months later...

I've not been updating this for a while but I had recently managed to retain two 100%able games before the server shutdown or delisting, these are Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars, and Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle.




But I'm mostly updating because of the addition of Rumbleverse's server shutdown (PS4 & PS5) and sub 5% completion and I'm proud. 




As always the info if you wanna read it is in the spoiler warnings.

Ready to come back when Knockout City shuts down ;)

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/28/2023 at 5:06 PM, breakingthegreen said:

Ready to come back when Knockout City shuts down ;)

Ha fool! Little did a young naive Breakingthegreen know, the last of the Ubisoft servers would die before June. Meaning their collection of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multiplayer trophies would become lost to time. And keeping the opportunity to platinum the game at a later date.




Also more annoyingly the older and wiser Breakingthegreen is lambasting their younger self for trying to complete Rayman Legends on PS3 too late, (In my defence Ubisoft kept saying the wrong shutdown dates)


Information of their, MY efforts are in the spoiler warnings above.

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to write up earlier but life got in the way.

Knockout City has now left us, at least it somewhat lives on in the PC version. But I'm genuinely sad that it's gone, it was probably my favourite PvP game, and is certainly fighting with Everybody's Golf for my favourite sports game. 




Also I somehow forgot the original release of Tales of the Borderlands, it's a good game... play it. Even if it's not the original trophy list.




As always check out the games in the spoiler warnings for a bunch of games you can't play anymore... what fun!

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  • 2 months later...

It's been about a month since anyone has earned an online trophy in Batman Arkham Origins so I think it's safe to say the servers died. WB said that they were going offline in 2016 which is when I panic-played the game. Shame it never got a PS4 release, could've lived longer on current hardware.




I have also completed the small online portion of Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and an actual write up will occur should the trophies be lost to time.


Check out the latest in the Completable Shutdown section for more details on the Batman trophies

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  • 2 months later...

Friends, we have gathered today to mourn the loss of a game. It wasn't the most beloved, it wasn't the most notable, it was Side Bullet




I have sort out comments from the players who are still playing this game beyond it's delisting:

Bot 1: "Beep Boop, Boop Beep, Beep..."

Bot 2: "Bzzz! I Run and Shoot Bzzz!"

Bot 3: "Humanity will be destroyed all hail the Robot Goddess! "

Real Player 1: "You have been blocked. You can no longer talk to Real Player 1"


Truly moving words. 


In all seriousness I did my mini review in the OP in the delisted completed section this time around, yes I completed this thing, and a larger review in the Cancer Fighting Event which is still going and you should totally join if you can.


When it comes to other delistings, there seems to be a lot of movement on Sony published Playlink games but and the Apps are getting delisted for the non-Sony games, currently I have only completed Hidden Agenda, but there's still the App around and a disc copy so it not going on this list yet. Most of the others require multiple phones which means self boosting is unfeasible so the rest are unlikely to ever be completed by me. But I am annoyed about this development, Playlink is a cool idea, just try Frantics it's so fun, and they are just making it unusable.

There's also a random Gundam game whose servers are going down... and GT Sport is closing to... I am doing nothing about this and you'll need to pay me to make me want to try.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Side Bullet's managed to go from dead to deader




After being being Delisted a month from launch, and getting it's server severed two months in. So the game is moving sections (This is the first time on the OP that a game has moved from a Delisted to a Shutdown title, so get excited.) Here is a summary of the game's life:





Also big six month old news that I missed, the servers of Far Cry 4 and Rayman Legends (Vita) are buggered, (well I didn't miss it but I did expect Ubisoft to fix it by now.) So they're getting added to the list. Rayman Legends (Vita) is one of my proudest platinums that I worked for for months. And Far Cry 4 is one that I'm pleased that I eventually got around to when I could play co-op without stumping up the price of a second copy. Both were fortuanatly platted last year! :) 




See the rest in the spoiler boxes of the OP and more of my opinions on a lot of the games too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see by the most popular section on this site that a lot of people wanted to preserve these online trophies in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and I don't blame you, it was as easy as 3.14159...




EA had a mass FPS shutdown a few days ago featuring the likes of Battlefield and Crysis 3, and all of them looked grindy and annoying for a genre I didn't particularly like, but a short and good looking game was among them. Mirror's Edge Catalyst had it community features removed and now the two trophies associated with it are now lost to time for most people. It's not platinumed yet, but I can now get it done whenever I want. ;)  See the OP for more details


On the lookout, I should probably get around to Rocket Arena. It's been Delisted, so who knows if it'll survive much longer... this is EA we're talking about.



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45 minutes ago, Breakingthegreen said:

I can see by the most popular section on this site that a lot of people wanted to preserve these online trophies in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and I don't blame you, it was as 3.14159...




EA had a mass FPS shutdown a few days ago featuring the likes of Battlefield and Crysis 3, and all of them looked grindy and annoying for a genre I didn't particularly like, but a short and good looking game was among them. Mirror's Edge Catalyst had it community features removed and now the two trophies associated with it are now lost to time for most people. It's not platinumed yet, but I can now get it done whenever I want. ;)  See the OP for more details


On the lookout, I should probably get around to Rocket Arena. It's been Delisted, so who knows if it'll survive much longer... this is EA we're talking about.



I know I allotted for a few hours to get those trophies done on Mirror's Edge and then I got both of them in like 20 minutes hahaha. I will admit I already had the Mischief Maker mission on the map, most of those 20 minutes was figuring out how to control the game again after not touching the game for years!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Apparently Hunter's Arena: Legends servers have been down for two months with no word of acknowledgement on their Twitter or Discord. Frankly the fact it's still being allowed to be sold for money is currently a scam.




I didn't have a good time with this game, and have often talked about the literal pain it took to complete. Let's just say the experience was half baked at best. Read the rest in the OP if you're interested.

I do hate that there are shadow closures a lot of the time, I don't mind that Arkham Origins closed since we were warned it would... warded 7 years beforehand, yes; but we still knew that the intention to close the game was present.


On 12/12/2023 at 12:02 AM, Breakingthegreen said:


On the lookout, I should probably get around to Rocket Arena. It's been Delisted, so who knows if it'll survive much longer... this is EA we're talking about


Just so people know, they announced the Rocket Arena servers are shutting 2 days after this post. And I did get them done (thanks to that x10 exp multiplier.) If anyone would like me to read their fortunes I am availible at 24:00-24:59 every day. 

I've also picked up the two online trophies for the F1 Race Stars PS3 game not long ago. Good to get that squared away. 


Oh and news... I now have every Physical Playlink game! But for now I'm just hoping they discount Ticket to Ride before its delisting on April 1st; it's the only playlink game I'm missing (And I still have the app.)

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

So I've not got any unattainable trophies or really checked the Delisted games website (though that does remind me that I need to buy Ticket to ride some point this month.) But what I have been doing is playing Inescapable and watching the Traitors. And I noticed some parallels that I need to get written down somewhere and I don't know where else to put it. So here it is.


A (Probably Typo Filled) Analysis of the Themes in Inescapable and The Traitors 


Inescapable: No Rules, No Rescue on SteamThe Traitors: UK - streaming tv series online


Let's start with a basic plot summery of Inescapable, in this game 11 people who have never met are placed on an island for a reality show, after which they'll all be given 500,000 Euros. In the game, how Harrison acts determines the kind of story, the attitudes he fosters and how competitive he is. This causes a branching moment early on in the game, the rest of the game then carries on with the theme that you played with until it's ending. These branching paths aren't merely aesthetic changes, they fundamentally change how the plays and how the characters act. These branching paths I believe are a good approximate to the different Traitors series. 


Before I link the two franchises, let's explain the Traitors and how to play it. It is very basically a game of Werewolf or Mafia with 18 to 24 players in a fancy rural area, if you don't know how to play Mafia and therefore don't know how to play Traitors, here's a rule set...

  • Some of the players are selected as the Traitors (Usually 3 or 4). The rest are called the Faithful
  • The goal is to get to the end of the game. If there are only Faithfuls at the end of the game, they all split the collected money, but if there are Traitors left, they win all the money
    • In some versions Traitors have to play a variant of the Prisoner's Dilemma, to share or steal all the money if there's more than one traitor at the end.
  • Money is added to the prize pot during challenges which all players play, they can all get Shields which protect from elimination, (or daggers in versions I haven't seen.)
  • At the end of every day, all players pick a player to remove by vote after a Roundtable discussion, after which then "Banished" player reveals their status as a Faithful or Traitor.
  • Every night the Traitors pick a Faithful player to remove by "murdering" them.
  • Faithful can be recruited or blackmailed into becoming Traitors if the numbers of Traitors falls too low, but the Faithful may decline. Doing this often negates that night's murder.

If you want to play a game with mechanics like this, it's most applicable to Gnosia, Lost Dimension or Among Us.


While Traitors is a game show, the heart of it is the relationships between all the players, and how they played falls very much into the 4 endings of Inescapable, and from this point I'll be talking spoilers for Inescapable and Traitors (In spoiler boxes though.) 


Ending one: Lust

Spoilers for Traitors US Series one.

Prime Video: The Traitors (US) Season 1



In Inescapable, the Lust playthrough is less about sex and much more about popularity, in the game every player is given a means to rank every other player, and popular players are rewarded and the unpopular are punished. These votes start off honest but eventually they drift into tactical or petty, as a consequence players stop being themselves and instead form factions, and get irritated with each other and try to sabotage each other for no reason other than wanting to be popular. In the end the winner of this was Mia who was the one of the more inoffensive characters who didn't upset anyone.


This feels very similar to the first US series of Traitors which played closer to a game of Real Housewives. The first banishment was because Micheal got a little bit annoyed that Geraldine was hogging the map in a challenge. After this Kate was became a very much disruptive member of the cast who kept getting into pointless fights with other Faithfuls, causing most banishments to be based on drama rather than evidence. In the end the only ones who remained were the quiet members who never got in fights.


US Traitors 1 is a story about how our in groups and perception of others will lead to destruction of every one, 'A House Divided' you could say.


Ending two: Suspicion 

Spoilers for Traitors AU series 2

How to watch The Traitors Australia Season 2 outside the UK - UpNext by  Reelgood


In the suspicion ending, the game turns into a Danganronpa style murder mystery, you find a character dead, and everyone else is a suspect. Even after you find the killer, everyone is on edge. Your protagonist becomes unduly suspicious of his best friend, convinced that she's hiding poison. This all comes to a head in the final case, where Harrison loses his friend then loses any ability trust anyone, after he becomes the only person left on the island who didn't commit a murder. He can't even accept the money because of those who he lost.


Of course in Traitors no one is actually dying, but there's something far more terrifying in Australia series 2, a level of emotional manipulation that is genuinely frightening. This series has a villain in the form of the Traitor: Sam, and he is probably the most terrifying player in the game (but not a good player, the faithfuls were really bad this series.) Sam has an ability to analyse the players in a way that borders on psychopathic. One example being the murder of one player to "Make Hannah lose her support system so she comes to me [Sam] and listens to what I say." Throughout the show there was a lot of suspicion on him, but he created an environment where calling out that suspicion was in itself suspicious, and any person who turned on him got banished or murdered as soon as possible. People where too afraid too turn on him because they couldn't trust the other faithful to see sense.


This suspicion extended to the Traitors themselves, on day 2, Sam started in the process of getting fellow traitor Ashe banished, and this left other traitor Blake under his thumb out of fear that he'd do the same to him. A new traitor was recruited to break the the prisoners dilemma at the end, Camille (has a youtube channel where she goes metal detecting called '10 Targets Detecting'). Sam and Blake underestimated how much she didn't trust Sam, and in the end, they all chose to "Steal" the money and no one won anything.


Australian Traitors 2 is a tale of removing the human element of social deduction game, thinking of people as numbers, cause and effects. And that can be right in some cases, but humans are more complicated than that. 


Ending three: Greed

Spoilers for English speaking Traitors Canada Series 1

How to Watch The Traitors Canada in US Online Free: Where to Stream


The greed path consist of giving monetary rewards for playing the game in a certain way, and soon afterwards trading comes in to turn the Island into an capitalist hell hole controlled by the two most insane people around.) The money has caused people to sabotage each other, exploiting sickness and food for easy profits, even if sharing supplies is generally better for everyone in this microcosm of a society, Lumi the doctor now charges 100,000s for medicine because she can, people don't have a choice, she'll need to do this since she now needs to buy food.


The anarchic capitalist element isn't present in this series, but moves in Canada were much more motivated by money. In the US Alan Cummings suggested that performance in the challenges would effect whether you got murdered, but that is actually a factor in Canada for the first murder. Other openly selfish moments include a condition where if they catch a traitor that night an extra $10,000 gets added to the prize pot, and the two traitors drop all loyalty and go at each other. The big moment though comes at the end when two faithful decide they want to vote out people they are pretty sure are faithful, so they'll get a bigger cut of the money, this is foiled by the remaining traitor putting doubt in one party, but still plays into the greed plan since it makes winning harder for the faithfuls.


Traitors Canada shows the risk of being motivated by money, and shows that a zero sum game can lead to self sabotage all because every one wants a bigger cut of the pie. Someone may win, but it'll only be one winner.


Ending four: Trust

Spoilers for Traitors UK series 1

The Traitors - Meet the contestants - Media Centre


In Inescapable, the trust ending in achieved by doing actions for the sake of the group and avoiding being overly competitive or suspicious. This eventually culminates in a boycott of the suggested killing game, and focus on enjoying your time together.


No boycott of the show happened in the UK, but there's a much closer focus on the players bonds, banishments at the beginning start out petty, "She didn't say cheers to the faithful" and "He resented being on the team with the less able bodied in a physical challenge," but as the game goes on, evidence becomes much closer to how people behave. People understand the need for slight suspicion, 72 year old Andrea has received no push back, and Amos politely pointed this out; his concern over whether he was cruel in the roundtable is very endearing.


Because these people have been together for so long, they understand each other and on a strong level. This is tested in a cruel game of "who do you trust the most?" Where one woman is left as the least trusted and is bribed to leave the contest, and she declines despite all sense saying to walk.


The biggest example of trust being a major theme for the UK series, is how Traitor Wilf lost trust in his fellow traitors, and turned them in, so when Kieran was blackmailed he knew the plan was to bin him off too. Instead of trying to save himself he cryptically asserted that Wilf was another traitor with his final vote, he put his trust in the remaining faithful even if he wouldn't see it through.


Wilf would be banished in the final vote, and he admitted the remaining faithful were still there because he wanted them to be people to win if he lost. 


In my mind this series was all about finding love and trust in an environment that demands you distrust anyone.



So what am I saying? Inescapable is like Traitors? No. Inescapable talks about how reality TV's theme is decided by it's contestants; it's a fairly basic lesson, but given how fake and edited we think of them, it's easy to doubt. But the many international versions show how these themes can come from the players in a very organic way that's human. 


Now that I've written all that I realise I have no proper conclusion... ummmm... watch the show, it's really good, UK especially.

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  • 1 month later...

I've had a shutdown that I've been meaning to complete a write up for, but I was ill as heck, and still recovering when they shut down the servers to Rocket Arena. I managed to get the platinum only 2 days after the shutdown was announced. 



It's a pretty good time, I've written a full write up in the OP with more thoughts (About the game, I didn't get distracted and talk about Claudia Winkleman's fringe this time.) This game actually lasted a really long time considering how much this game got reduced within weeks, it lasted 4 or 5 years. I would have thought that this game flopping would have made EA too afraid to produce Knockout City, and I'm glad that it still made that game (it's so good, unfortunately I've got to write it up already :( )




Oh there's news, I wrote up Hunter's Arena Legends because the servers have been busted for 2 months... UNTIL A WEEK AGO, hurrah! But they announced it's gonna shutdown soon... But fortunately I completed the PS4 version this past week, with a little help from a boosting group (Thanks Emii.) I'll add to the write up with details of playing the game at the end of it's life compared to the start was like, that'll be interesting, hopefully. At the game didn't physically hurt me this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Surprise shutdown alert! Hunter's Arena Legends (PS4) developers announced that there'd be an official shutdown date soon. But usually the date announced presceeds the actual shutdown, but Hunter's did it differently and I feel bad for the folks that have a forever unobtainable on their account, not enough to campaign though... it'd only increase eye strain based hospital admissions.




The game isn't fun, but since I've played the map has changed. Before it had a interesting alter and winter castle, but now... it has a featureless lava pit... so the game has manages to get more boring, which is a hell of an achievement. Thanks again the the boosting group that helped me, Emii and Vanquished were there among others, I'd have lost my sanity if y'all didn't help me out. 


Original post in the first post has been amended with my new experiences of the game, check out the spoiler boxes up top.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I was doing my usual friday activity which consist of thinking of bald men and of course the best bald man is Harry Hill, but the second best is Agent 47. I started thinking about how Hitman 3, now called World of Assassination, and how that cause Hitman and Hitman 2 to be delisted, I didn't originally include these due to the physical release, but I remembered that the steelbook of the first game that I found had an unused code for the bonus missions from CEX (Don't worry, I bought it I'm no thief), so I figured that there'd be no way to get them. And google says that they are indeed gone.  We can't exactly be sad though since they obviously are still in the third game now.





(sorry if your're reading this on mobile future me)

The Hitman games are great fun more specific info about my time is in both of the delisted sections of the OP, It's kinda tonally like Yakuza games where everything is played 100% straight, but look one step below the surface and you'll find a bunch of weird shit made by developers whose tongues couldn't be further in their cheeks.


In other news, The Hunter's servers are up again... I'm not deleting what I wrote since the shutdown has been confirmed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm bored, so I'm gonna do some back of the napkin maths to determine what I think the best major game publisher is these days.


Rules I'm using are:

  • Look through a publishers back catalogue, and determine whether I think I'd score the games 8/10 or above.
  • The more "8/10s or aboves" the higher the ranking.
  • I'll only consider based on games I've played.
  • Ties will be determined by the higher proportions of 8/10s to the less than 8s.
  • I'll only look at games released 2020 or later and remasters or ports don't count.
  • Joint publishing/development can count for both (Such as Mario + Rabbids)

Parameters are simple, let's go.


Breakingthegreen's Rankings of the Best Publishers These Days (But Please Know that they prefer indie games these days)


Sony Interactive/Playstation Studios

PlayStation Studios - Wikipedia

Good Game Total: 12

Good game Percent: 80%

Best Game: Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart


Electronic Arts

File:Electronic-Arts-Logo.svg - Wikipedia

Good Game Total: 3

Good Game Percent: 75%

Best Game: Knockout City (or if that doesn't count since they dropped publishing rights, It Takes Two



Bethesda Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand


Good Game Total: 1

Good game Percent: 50%

Best Game: Deathloop


Activision Blizzard King

File:Activision Blizzard.svg - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 2

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time


Square Enix

File:Square Enix logo.svg - Wikipedia

Good Game Total: 5

Good Game Percent: 55%

Best Game: Life is Strange: True Colors



File:Ubisoft logo.svg - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 3

Good Game Percent: 50%

Best Game: Watch Dogs Legion



File:SEGA logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons


Good Game Total: 6

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Persona 5 Royal


THQ Nordic

File:THQ Nordic logo 2016.svg - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 2

Good Game Percent: 50%

Best Game: Spongebob Squarepants: Cosmic Shake



File:Team17 logo (2018).svg - Wikipedia

Good Game Total: 7

Good Game Percent: 77%

Best Game: Killer Frequency


Warner Bros

File:Warner Bros. Games.svg - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 0

Good Game Percent: 0%

Best Game: Gotham Knights


Focus Entertainment

File:Focus Entertainment logo.svg - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 4

Good Game Percent: 80%

Best Game: Dordogne



Microids - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 2

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Alfred Hitchock's Vertigo



Finji - itch.io


Good Game Total: 3

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: I was a Teenage Exocolonist


Deep Silver

File:Deep Silver Black Logo.png - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 1

Good Game Percent: 33%

Best Game: Maneater


Annapurna Interactive

Ficheiro:Annapurna Interactive logo.png – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


Good Game Total: 6

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Thirsty Suitors



File:Capcom logo.png - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 1

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Resident Evil 3



2K (company) - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 2

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: The Quarry


Bandai Namco

File:Bandai Namco Holdings stacked logo (2022).svg - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 3

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope


Devolver Digital

Devolver Digital - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 4

Good Game Percent: 80%

Best Game: Inscryption


Epic Games

File:Epic Games logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons


Good Game Total: 2

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout


Xbox Game Studios

Xbox Game Studios - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 1

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Psychonauts 2



Nintendo Logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand

Good Game Total: 8

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Koei Tecmo

Koei Tecmo - Wikipedia


Good Game Total: 1

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Persona 5 Strikers


Spike Chunsoft


Good Game Total: 1

Good Game Percent: 50%

Best Game: Master Detective Archives Rain Code


Aksys Games


Good Game Total: 1

Good Game Percent: 100%

Best Game: Inescapable: No Rules No Rescue


Okie Dokie! That's The data all written out, time to rank them, remember that there's inherent bias in the fact that I mostly play on Playstation, and after that on Nintendo console and handheld. 


The Actual Ranking

  1. Sony Interactive/ Playstation Studios
  2. Nintendo
  3. Team17
  4. Annapurna Interactive
  5. Sega
  6. Square Enix
  7. Devolver Digital
  8. Focus Entertainment
  9. Finji
  10. Bandai Namco
  11. Electronic Arts
  12. Ubisoft
  13. 2K
  14. Epic Games
  15. Activision Blizzard King
  16. Microids
  17. THQ Nordic
  18. Xbox Game Studios
  19. Aksys Games
  20. Capcom
  21. Koei Tecmo
  22. Spike Chunsoft
  23. Bethesda
  24. Deep Silver
  25. Warner Bros

Can I just say that I'm so surprised about Team 17, I've pretty much just thought of them as the Worms makers. Nintendo wasn't a surprise, especially since I've been playing them for fun and not for trophies. And Playstation has slowed down a lot recently, but games like Dreams, Iron Man VR and the PS5 launch titles, really contributed to the numbers of games that I wanted to play.

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